TMMN Staff

Mega Man and Sonic’s “When Worlds Collide” Saga Formally Announced
Jul 10, 2012 | Mega Man
Nope, no more teasers - this is the real deal. Kotaku has the PR from Archie's upcoming 12 part, yes, TWELVE PART crossover of the two gaming heroes, come 2013. Coming from Archie's Paul Kaminski: "We've been gearing up for this for years. From the moment we had Mega...

Archie’s Two Blue Heroes Joining Together?
Jul 9, 2012 | Mega Man
If you've ever listened to the The Mega Man Network podcast, I believe I've mentioned before I'm one of the rare people who didn't grow up with a NES. So, I don't have memories of playing 8-bit Mega Man at all like my other TMMN cohorts. My love of Mega Man came down...

Your First Look at WF2012 Summer Rockman Goods
Jul 9, 2012 | Community Developments
Wonder Fest, as you may know, is a twice a year super-assembly for model and figure-making fans. And lately, there's been more and more Rockman wares available by dedicated garage artists. Sadly, it does not appear that Hobby Rock is organizing again for...

July Giveaway! Win an Elec Man Resin Kit!
Jul 9, 2012 | Site Developments
Gotta keep that gratitude train going! Got many more prizes to give away! This time we'll have THREE winners! And what we have to offer is a little bit interesting. Please, it's important you read this post carefully! We are giving away three Elec Man resin kits by...

Zero 2nd Contest Entries – A Mega Man Merchandise Party!
Jul 8, 2012 | Community Developments, Site Developments
Even after wrapping up this contest, it still haunts me! As promised, Tabby and I have collected together all the entries for your viewing pleasure. I think when you look over them, you'll come to understand why we had so much trouble deciding on a winner. Be...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 2 Stages: Dr. Wily Stage 2
Jul 7, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
The map of Dr.Wily Stage 2. First up is a gauntlet of Flyboys, two large weapon energy refills, and a gap that can only be crossed with Item 2. This here is how you do required item segments well. The terrain starts close to the top of the screen, making the Flyboys...

You Are Dr. Wily!
Jul 6, 2012 | Other News
That's how this advertisement for Rockman 2's boss contest sells itself. This apparently comes from a pretty old issue of Family Computer Magazine. Most of the text just tells the story of Rockman, questions what Dr. Wily's true form really is, promises some huge...

Marvel vs. Capcom Origins Coming to XBLA and PSN in September
Jul 5, 2012 | Mega Man
While rumors of a new Marvel vs. Capcom game began to circulate last night (only to be denied by Ryota Niitsuma on Twitter), a new truth has come to light today as Capcom has announced the Xbox LIVE Arcade and PlayStation Network release of Marvel vs. Capcom Origins,...

Looking for Something to Keep Your D-Arts Mega Man X In?
Jul 5, 2012 | Community Developments
Click to embiggen. Just ask a Transformers fan: Where the official toy companies fail to come through, you can often count on the fans to do something impressive. That is, when Hasbro failed to come through with things such as a new version of Springer, the giant...

Mega Ran’s Latest Track is Da Bomb
Jul 4, 2012 | Community Developments
Yeah that was too easy, but BD would be proud. Anyway, Random, aka Mega Ran, has a new track out: "Take Your Turn," based off Bomb Man's theme. The track is a look back at Mega Ran's beginnings; appropriate that he's ringing in his own 5th anniversary album, which...

Destructoid Previews Mega Man #15, Ponders Issue’s Take on Robot Ethics
Jul 3, 2012 | Mega Man
Our friends over at Destructoid have just gotten their hands on the latest Mega Man preview from Archie Comics, this one showing the opening moments of issue #15, which is part three of the "Spirit ex Machina" story arc. In addition, Tony Ponce recalls an article he...

Get an Early Bird Proto Man Bobble Budd at SDCC
Jul 3, 2012 | Mega Man
A little while back, Multiverse Studio announced a new line of Mega Man themed Bobble Budds headed our way sometime in July, but with a particular one coming early at San Diego Comic Con. That particular one turns out to be the robot who always came first: Proto Man....

SDCC 2012 to Host Archie Mega Man & Sonic Panel
Jul 3, 2012 | Mega Man
Just a quick heads-up for those who will be attending the San Diego Comic Con. From 10:00 to 11:00 am on Sunday, July 15th, Archie will be hosting a panel in Room 24ABC called "Sonic and Mega Man: Video Game Comics Showcase." Thanks to Sockie, the following...

An Update from Reika Morishita – Announcements Hopefully Soon
Jul 3, 2012 | Community Developments
Fans of Mega Man Legends have been rallying behind singer Reika Morishita for her new arrangements of the original title's Japanese theme songs, but not much has really been heard of it all this time. According to the latest blog post by Morishita, however, that may...

iOS Mega Man X’s Ranking Goes Up as Its Price Goes Down
Jul 2, 2012 | Mega Man
For those interested in the iOS version of Mega Man X, there is good news: Word through the grapevine is that to celebrate Independence Day, Capcom has lowered the price on three of its iOS games: Street Fighter IV Volt, Monster Hunter: Dynamic Hunting, and Mega Man...

ScrewAttack Looks at Obscure and Forgotten Mega Man Games
Jul 2, 2012 | Community Developments
One of ScrewAttack's "G1s," MegaSilverX1, has done his part to shine a little light on our favorite robot-blasting franchise by making a post to the site about "obscure and forgotten" Mega Man games. Admittedly, titles such as Mega Man Powered Up and Mega Man Xtreme...

Ucchy Shows Off the 25th Anniversary Rockcan
Jul 1, 2012 | Mega Man
While we wait to see what kind of celebration will come this December, we can get a good look at some of the currently Japan-exclusive goodies on the way. This time, Ucchy is showing off the 25th Anniversary Rockcan announced earlier. In case you were wondering, it's...

New Trailer of X and Zero in Action in Project X Zone
Jul 1, 2012 | Mega Man
A new trailer for Capcom, SEGA, and Namco Bandai's 3DS game Project X Zone was just released in Japan. It's a long one at 10 minutes, but we do get to see a lot of game play and characters, which includes X and Zero of course. There's two great scenes with them,...

Announcing May and June’s Contest Winners!
Jul 1, 2012 | Site Developments
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. I sort of hate to admit this, but being able to announce these winners lifts a huge weight off my shoulders. This is far from the first time I've had to apologize for the lateness of a contest this year, but I'd like to explain...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 2 Stages: Dr. Wily Stage 1
Jul 1, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Dr. Wily Stage 1 and its music. Again, now that we're at the Wily stages, things have changed a little. We have all the weapons, and it can be assumed that we have some idea of what we're doing by now, so the stages should be designed with this in mind. Pipi starts...
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