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1UP Praises Keiji Inafune as One of Their “Daring Designers”

The Blue Ink: Archie’s Mega Man #2

by Erico "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." -The Tao Te Ching by Laozi And so it was that Mega Man set out to defeat six reprogrammed Robot Masters, save the world, and put an end to the schemes of the nefarious mustachioed villain Dr....

1UP Praises Keiji Inafune as One of Their “Daring Designers”

What Would it Sound Like if Wily’s Castle Were in Jamaica?

We've been getting a lot of interesting genre albums of classic Famicom music lately. First that was Zoku Fami Compi with its house style arrangements. Then sound got loud with the Japan release of Powerglove's Video Game Metal. But recently things have mellowed...

1UP Praises Keiji Inafune as One of Their “Daring Designers”

Ever Know About This Trick in Mega Man X2?

Because Redmage1987 thinks maybe you haven't. A lot of people know about the old style Batton M-501 in the original Mega Man X that drops loads of 1-Ups. But did you know the Rideroid G in Wheel Gator's stage does too? You just have to be able to catch it outside of...

1UP Praises Keiji Inafune as One of Their “Daring Designers”

OtaRockman 2012 Report

Image courtesy of JackScarab; click to enlarge. As we announced early last week, the last weekend in July was Otakon, and with it, "OtaRockman." Unfortunately, there wasn't nearly as much going on as in past years, with the cosplay gathering on Saturday being pretty...

1UP Praises Keiji Inafune as One of Their “Daring Designers”

Support Mega Man in Smash Bros. via Fan Poll

I've been a little reluctant on this news, but we've received a number of tips about it, so we'll let you decide. Gaming fan site VG Tribune has been running a poll about third party characters fans would want to see in the next incarnation of Super Smash Bros....

1UP Praises Keiji Inafune as One of Their “Daring Designers”

The Blue Ink: Archie’s Mega Man #1

by Erico Editor's Note: Yeah, this may seem a little late in coming, but better late than never, and hopefully we'll be able to catch up with the series before too long. --- For years, the Mega Man fan community has been the strong and stalwart bastion of fandom...

1UP Praises Keiji Inafune as One of Their “Daring Designers”

Rockman 2 Slated for JP 3DS Virtual Console, More to Come?

Pretty much hot off the heels of the original Rockman coming out on Japan's 3DS eShop last month, Rockman 2 is now joining it on the 8th of this month for ¥500. I'll admit I was hoping for a 3D Classics with this one, but for arguably the greatest Mega Man title made,...

1UP Praises Keiji Inafune as One of Their “Daring Designers”

Check Out Destructoid’s Preview for Mega Man #16

If you're following Archie's Mega Man comic series, you know that the current "Spiritus ex Machina" arch is heading for its exciting conclusion. Those who don't mind spoilers can see how that conclusion sets off over at Destructoid. How will Mega Man resolve this...