TMMN Staff

More Screens of Vile in Project X Zone
Aug 29, 2012 | Mega Man
Hot off the heels of yesterday's flying get, Famitsu has released a bevy of Project X Zone screens, including some of X's most infamous rival: Vile. Along with seeing a much prettier screen of the above confrontation, we also have some screens of Vile in action. He's...

An Up-Close Look at Mattel’s Unreleased NT Warrior Figures
Aug 29, 2012 | Mega Man
Back in Battle Network's heyday, it was getting all sorts of animes and toys and comics and what have you. Toy manufacturer Mattel was also getting in on the merchandising train. However, after having released two waves of figures, Mattel decided to pull out in the...

Capcom’s Christian Svensson Assures that Xover “Isn’t All”
Aug 28, 2012 | Community Developments, Mega Man
It's a fact a lot of people have been disappointed in Rockman Xover - I can't even say I'm excited about it myself, though I'm waiting to see its details. Still, some of you nutty nuts immediately assumed that this would be the only thing commemorating Mega Man's...

Vile to Appear in Project X Zone
Aug 28, 2012 | Mega Man
With the heroes of Project X Zone getting a lot of spotlight, it's time to start looking at some villains. And Andriasang brings us word that Vile will be making his appearance in the game to oppose the Maverick Hunters and co. He is revealed among others in the...

1UP Examines the Mega Man Community
Aug 28, 2012 | Community Developments
This week's cover story over at 1UP is about "Community in Games," and kicking things off is a feature by Nadia Oxford which focuses on the Mega Man community, noting that the Blue Bomber has "fallen on hard times, but that's only brought the remnants of the community...

Mega Man X Official Complete Works Getting Restocked in 2013
Aug 28, 2012 | Mega Man
Haven't had a chance to pick up UDON's magnificent Mega Man X Official Complete Works yet? Well first off all, what's wrong with you? Second, UDON has noted that their stock is officially sold out for now, and although various comic book stores may still have copies,...

Start Singing the Blues with This Battle Network Remix
Aug 27, 2012 | Community Developments
Hey, who remembers Mega Man Battle Network? Psyguy does, and he's created a remix of the theme for ProtoMan.EXE (aka Blues.EXE) from the series (or Rockman.EXE 4.5: Real Operation, at least), and you can give it a listen over on Newgrounds. Of course, since it's...

VGMM Checks Out More Mega Man Merchandise
Aug 26, 2012 | Community Developments
Our buddy Nightram, curator for the Video Game Memorabilia Museum, is back with a new batch of recently-acquired Mega Man goodies (and a cool shirt, we might add). Among the items shown are keychains, cell phone charms, pins, trading cards, patches, cloth helmets, and...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 3 Stages: Top Man
Aug 26, 2012 | Articles, Featured, Site Developments
Top Man's Stage and Music Bolton appears in front of you, while Notton flies in from behind. After they connect, they'll begin chasing you slowly like Telly from the last game. After two of these, Mechakkero enters the mix. He simply hops forward now and then, but his...

What Do Our Far East Friends Think of Xover?
Aug 25, 2012 | Community Developments
When Rockman Xover was announced about a couple weeks back, reactions to the news were... not terribly positive, to put it lightly. Not only fans, but even writers at gaming news sites like Destructoid and Kotaku put the game to shame. While little may be known about...

Dorkly: Leaked Memos Explain Early Mega Man Box Art Designs
Aug 25, 2012 | Community Developments
If there is any part of Mega Man which is sure to outlive the franchise itself, it would be the notoriety of the original series' earliest box art. But how did such design decisions ever come to pass? Why is Mega Man sporting a Tron-esque outfit and handgun on the...

Archie’s Mega Man Volume 3: “The Return of Dr. Wily” Already Available?
Aug 25, 2012 | Mega Man
Just a quick note for those of you who are awaiting your copy of the third volume of Archie's Mega Man graphic novels, "The Return of Dr. Wily." According to TMMN tipster Erik the Red, though the book isn't scheduled to be released until the 28th of August, "I ordered...

Capcom Teases Wii U Announcements…
Aug 25, 2012 | Mega Man
...but is anyone going to hold their breath that it will involve Mega Man? Well, the Wii U is likely coming out right before the 25th anniversary... could there be a better way of ushering in a new Nintendo console than with a new Mega Man title? Of course, Nintendo...

The Mega Man Marathon is Next Friday
Aug 24, 2012 | Community Developments
One week from today, at 3pm Central Time on Friday, August 31st, MX3 Team proudly presents their third Mega Man Marathon to raise money for the Child's Play charity. At that point, they will play through all ten mainline Classic Mega Man games (with Mega Man & Bass...

3DO Version of Mega Man X3 Confirmed… 16 Years Ago, That Is
Aug 24, 2012 | Mega Man
It has long been a subject of debate whether Capcom had ever really planned a release of Mega Man X3 for the Panasonic 3DO, a version not unlike that seen on the PC, SEGA Saturn, and Sony PlayStation, or whether people had just imagined it. But then late last year,...

The Blue Ink: Archie’s Mega Man #4 – Doing Things the Hard Way
Aug 23, 2012 | Reviews, Site Developments
by Erico "One of the biggest roles of science fiction is to prepare people to accept the future without pain and to encourage a flexibility of mind." --Arthur C. Clarke ---------------------------------------- Mega Man has plowed through six robots that were his...

Happy Birthday to Hitoshi Ariga
Aug 23, 2012 | Community Developments
Today marks the birthday of Mr. Hitoshi Ariga, and we just wanted to wish him the happiest one he could possibly have (and maybe a job working for Capcom heading up the Mega Man brand). For those who have been living under one of Guts Man's rocks, or are simply fresh...

e-Capcom’s Rockcan Getting Loaded with Even More Music (Updated with Complete Track List)
Aug 22, 2012 | Mega Man
New details coming in for the Rockman 1~10 "Rockcan" music collection is coming in, and Rockman 8's Sega Saturn tracks aren't the only bonuses the set is getting. e-Capcom reveals even more music goodness. First, both of the Rockman Special CDs, released as promo...

Looking Back: Nintendo Power Covers Mega Man
Aug 22, 2012 | Community Developments
Yesterday, news broke that Nintendo Power magazine will soon be ending its nearly 25-year run as a print magazine, though there is some hope that it may continue as an online presence. When it comes to print magazines, Mega Man could not have asked for a better friend...

The TMMN Megacast #19 – Rockman Zover
Aug 21, 2012 | Site Developments
Hey! Did you notice? A new Mega Man game was announced! What platform is it for, you ask? Um... we'll tell you later! Rockman Xover (Zover?) is, of course, on peoples' minds. But before we get to that, Heat Man, Tabby, AWD, and myself (mainfinger) discuss the 25th...
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