TMMN Staff

Getting Glitchy with Mega Man 2
Sep 17, 2012 | Community Developments
Mega Man 3 is a game well known for its glitches, but how many do you know from Mega Man 2? Along with a variety of other NES glitches, Challenger Approaching has cataloged ten of these on video for all of us to see. What's more, they note that these work in all three...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 3 Stages: Needle Man
Sep 16, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Needle Man's Stage and Music Hari Harry is our only enemy for the first section of this stage. These fire a spread of five projectiles twice before rolling into a ball and chasing you. They take six hits but can't be harmed in ball form, and the needles can be...

Don’t Expect a New Game for Mega Man’s 25th
Sep 15, 2012 | Mega Man
The folks at Capcom have made a lot of murmurings about plans in the works to celebrate Mega Man's 25th anniversary. However, that doesn't mean you should go expecting some amazing new game (though a number of fans have regardless). When questioned about what's going...

Nintendo Power: A Glimpse at the Real Mega Man 3, or a Misinterpretation?
Sep 14, 2012 | Mega Man
With the impending closure of Nintendo Power now on the horizon, many have taken to reminiscing and looking back at older issues of the beloved publication. In one instance, a peek at the "Pak Watch" section of the September/October 1990 issue has revealed something...

MegaMan.EXE Named #1 on “Most Implausible Hackers” List
Sep 14, 2012 | Community Developments
It's not too often we see the Blue Bomber, in any of the many iterations or forms taken over the years, ranking as number one on a list (except where "worst box art" is concerned, of course). So imagine our surprise to find that none other than MegaMan.EXE managed to...

The Blue Ink: Archie’s Mega Man #7 – Beware the Cute Ones
Sep 13, 2012 | Reviews, Site Developments
By Erico Having come face to face with CWU-01P, Mega Man and his two companions must now put an end to it. It's a simple-minded thing; it doesn't understand that the first Robot Rebellion is over. It only knows what it's programmed to know: Protect the poop chutes,...

Mega Man Tribute in Double Dragon Neon (Updated)
Sep 12, 2012 | Community Developments
If you've played the newly-released Double Dragon Neon, you might have noticed one of the bosses seems a little familiar... During the Space Dojo level, you cross through a pair of rather familiar shutters (which I forgot to mention when I first posted this) and...

Capcom Trademarks the Term “Mega Man”
Sep 12, 2012 | Mega Man
Here's something a little bit interesting. A scant three weeks ago, Capcom filed a trademark for "Mega Man" in the US. What could this Mega Man thing be? What do they have up their sleeve? Of course, in all seriousness, it's not that they never had "Mega Man"...

12 Reasons ScrewAttack HATES Mega Man (and 15 Reasons Why They LOVE It)
Sep 11, 2012 | Community Developments
ScrewAttack has decided to celebrate 25 years of the Blue Bomber by posting the following video detailing 12 reasons they "HATE" Mega Man (the original game, mind you, not the character). As usual with these "HATE" lists, Evil Craig is counting them off, so expect...

Newly Arranged “another sun” and “Your Wind Is Blowing” on Sale
Sep 11, 2012 | Community Developments, Mega Man
It's been quite a while that we've followed this - over half a year now. But finally the result is met. Reika Morishita's freshly arranged "another sun 2012" and "あなたの風が吹くから~Your wind is blowing~" are now available. Well, they definitely are in Japan anyway. While a...

Peeking at the Rockcan’s Special Bonuses and Curiosities
Sep 11, 2012 | Mega Man
The impressive but pricy "Rockcan" soundtrack collection comes out next week, and Rockman Unity has one more promotional push for the set. This comes with the announcement of four special anniversary prints done by Capcom staff artists. Only four people who preorder...

Time Keeps Slipping by to Own an Archie Comic Mega Man Page
Sep 10, 2012 | Community Developments, Mega Man
Ever wanted to own an original piece of Archie's Mega Man comic? Well, now you can! Mega Man comic artist Chad Thomas is currently selling original pages from the "Time Keeps Slipping" arc, Issues 05-08. Each page is 11x7 and drawn by Chad with inks by Gary Martin....

Looking Back at Rockman Online – A Lament for Cool
Sep 10, 2012 | Articles
I still don't feel comfortable saying that Rockman Online is officially canned, but last night's surprise news definitely made some closure for what fans had been suspecting for a few months now. And I am disappointed to hear about it, personally. Not that I was a...

Rockman Online is Likely Cancelled, According to Artist (Updated)
Sep 10, 2012 | Mega Man
Well, unfortunate news tonight, though probably news a lot of you were expecting. After concerns about the fate of Rockman Online after NeoWiz announced internal restructuring, the game's environments artist Kang Dong Hwa, aka Cantio75, has admitted that the project...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 3 Stages: Hard Man
Sep 9, 2012 | Articles, Featured, Site Developments
Hard Man's Stage and Music Hard Man starts us on flat ground that becomes more complex over the next few screens. We have "Su" Bees flying in from the left during this section, dropping honeycombs that break open to release five Chibees when they land. Chibees then...

Blast from the Past: Tiger Electronics’ Mega Man 2 Handheld Commercial
Sep 8, 2012 | Mega Man
Lately, we've been checking out some old episodes of Video Power, complete with commercials. And among those commercials were some we had forgotten existed: Tiger Electronics handheld games. There were several different ones, most of which were made around a similar...

This Stained Glass Mega Man X will Restore Your Faith
Sep 7, 2012 | Community Developments
Running a Mega Man fansite, we see a lot of pretty cool fan artwork and such, but rarely something that makes us say "holy moly" like this (yep this post is church puns). This stained glass Mega Man X by SenatorMars is truly divine. Just looking at it gives me a sense...

The Blue Ink: Archie’s Mega Man #6 – CWU-01P’s Revenge
Sep 6, 2012 | Reviews
by Erico "The real hero is the man who fights even though he is scared." -General George Patton --- Ooh, look on the cover! It's that thing! That Mega-Thing! Oh, and also that floating robot in a bubble! CWU-01P! Looks like the Archie team found a way to include this...

Elec Man and Mega Man 3 Game Over Added to Sheet Music Section
Sep 6, 2012 | Site Developments
Bey-Heart here. Piano sheets for the Elec Man theme from Mega Man 1 and the Game Over music from Mega Man 3 have been added to the sheet music section. Have any sheet music you would like to submit? Any and all entries are welcome after being approved, email them to...

Yet More Rockman Xover Details – Getting to Know OVER-1
Sep 6, 2012 | Mega Man
Following up from our Famitsu scoop yesterday, now we have more details and some nice visuals from The bulk of the information concerns the background of the newly named character, OVER-1. As you know, OVER-1 is a robot created in a collaboration between...
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