TMMN Staff

The Blue Ink – Archie’s Mega Man #14: Bombs, Cons, and Megalomaniacs

Capcom Wants to Know What Soundtracks You Desire

We've been pretty fortunate in the amount of Mega Man soundtracks and other merchandise that have been coming out in the past couple months - and months to come. Well, if you live in Japan at least. And Capcom of Japan is primed to give more. A new entry on their...

The Blue Ink – Archie’s Mega Man #14: Bombs, Cons, and Megalomaniacs

Mega Man X on Sale on iTunes

Hey everyone, guess what! Mega Man X for iOS 99 cents as part of a Halloween sale! *ducks thrown objects* Look, no one said you had to buy it, we just thought you might like to know. It's normally $4.99, so if you were waiting for an impulse price to try it yourself,...

The Blue Ink – Archie’s Mega Man #14: Bombs, Cons, and Megalomaniacs

Dorkly Originals: Videogame Trick-or-Treating

Dorkly is at it again as several of our favorite video game characters go trick-or-treating. Just be mindful that there's some gross humor and slight Not Safe For Work language. Yeah, we know, Mega Man and Zero... it's just a gag, just go with it. Or say Bass was in...

The Blue Ink – Archie’s Mega Man #14: Bombs, Cons, and Megalomaniacs

Watch the Great Grega Man Tackle Mega Man 10

This Friday, Capcom Unity continued their hands-on approach to looking back at 25 years of Mega Man with their Mega Man 10 live streamed playthrough. Robot Masters were beaten and prizes were handed out, but you can still catch all the action if you missed it. Could...

The Blue Ink – Archie’s Mega Man #14: Bombs, Cons, and Megalomaniacs

“The Real Science of Mega Man” on

I am admittedly a little hesitant to promote my own work on here, which is why I'm talking about this article I did for two days after it was posted. Plus, today's updates are running dry and I have other things demanding my attention, so this was quick, too....

The Blue Ink – Archie’s Mega Man #14: Bombs, Cons, and Megalomaniacs

Preview and Track List for ROCKMAN HOLIC

Hey Touhou and vocalist fans, we got some great stuff for you. Above is a preview of ROCKMAN HOLIC's track "X-Buster" for your listening pleasure. Additionally, we have the complete track list below (hit the jump for the complete list). Also, the last contributing...

The Blue Ink – Archie’s Mega Man #14: Bombs, Cons, and Megalomaniacs

Looks Like Bass is Getting the D-Arts Treatment (Treble Too!)

Good morning, fellow Mega Man fans. How about a little bit of figure news that may blow your minds? Check out this top pic of D-Arts Mega Man from Bandai. Pretty nice, eh? But who's that to the left? Who could that-yeah okay it's pretty Bass. I mean how could that not...

The Blue Ink – Archie’s Mega Man #14: Bombs, Cons, and Megalomaniacs

“R20+” Art Book Aiming at a December Release

Word is starting to appear from retailers about Capcom's expanded Mega Man and Mega Man X art book. The tentative title is "R20+ Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works: Revised Edition" and it has a planned release of mid-December - just in time for the 25th...

The Blue Ink – Archie’s Mega Man #14: Bombs, Cons, and Megalomaniacs

“We are ROCK-MEN! 2” Expanding its Horizons

Are you excited for the new album by Capcom's own ROCK-MEN? Last year, the crew produced a CD covering a delicious variety of Mega Man and Mega Man X tunes, as well as a track from Mega Man Legends. For this new album, while we still don't have a track list, it sounds...

The Blue Ink – Archie’s Mega Man #14: Bombs, Cons, and Megalomaniacs

And Here Are the Winners of TMMN’s October Giveaway

It's hard to believe we're getting toward the end of our year of contests and giveaways. We keep tossing up prizes, and you keep coming in the hundreds trying to win them! It's a pleasure that I truly don't want to end. At any rate, this time around we had the newly...

The Blue Ink – Archie’s Mega Man #14: Bombs, Cons, and Megalomaniacs

Are There Too Many Mega Man Sub-Series for a Proper Reboot?

With Mega Man's iffy status as of late, one idea frequently paraded around to anyone who will listen is that of simply rebooting the franchise; that is, starting over again from square one, and letting the world of Mega Man unfold before us once again. But are there...