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Looking Back: Mega Man
Nov 12, 2012 | Articles
As part of our celebration of the Mega Man series hitting its 25th anniversary, we are featuring a look back at many of the games of the Classic series. This time, I’m looking at the original Mega Man game and what makes it a notable and fun game so many years later....

A Critical Look at Mega Man 3 Stages: The Robot Masters
Nov 11, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Editor's Note: We have something different going on with the pics now; just click to enlarge. One oddity about Mega Man 3's boss fights is that each one takes four damage from its own weapon. They also have minor (two damage) weaknesses to weapons other than their...

Dueling Analogs’ List of ‘Games I am Sad Were Never Made’ Features Two of Mega Man
Nov 10, 2012 | Community Developments
Over on video game humor site Dueling Analogs is a list of "Games I am sad were never made," and two of those games feature the Blue Bomber. One is Mega Man Legends 3, and there isn't much to be said about that which hasn't been said already. The other is "Mega Man...

To No One’s Surprise, Mega Man Makes “Worst Cover Art” List, But…
Nov 9, 2012 | Community Developments
When Trigger EXE submitted a news tip a couple of months ago about Mega Man being on's Top 50 list of the worst video game box covers of all time, we almost didn't run it. After all, it seems almost mandatory by this point for Mega Man to be included a...

The Blue Ink – Archie’s Mega Man #15: Resolution in Revolution
Nov 8, 2012 | Reviews
"Courage charms us, because it indicates that a man loves an idea better than all things in the world, that he is thinking neither of his bed, nor his dinner, nor his money, but will venture all to put in act the invisible thought of his mind." -Ralph Waldo Emerson...

Megafy Your Wardrobe with Today’s Limited Edition TeeFury Shirt
Nov 8, 2012 | Community Developments
Get it while it lasts! As of this writing, you only have nine hours and 31 minutes to get today's shirt, "Mega Pals," at TeeFury. It features Mega Man and Rush in the style of classic cartoons such as Mickey Mouse, and is only $10, but you won't be able to get it...

Intuition! Rockman Footage – The Silliest Mega Man Game Ever
Nov 8, 2012 | Mega Man
Another little known Rockman cell phone game finally gets some exposure. Intuition! Rockman was released in Japan in January of 2008. A very unusual game, you could perhaps liken it to Mega Man's take on WarioWare. The game is a collection of simple and humorous...

Preview of Archie’s Mega Man #19 on Destructoid
Nov 8, 2012 | Mega Man
Well, that was certainly quick. No sooner than we bring you that glimpse of issue #19 of Archie's Mega Man comic than Destructoid rolls around (no pun intended) with a full-blown preview. Five pages await, as we see Roll, Kalinka, and Tempo spending a little bit of...

Last Call for Tatsunoko vs Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars
Nov 8, 2012 | Mega Man
Have you gotten your hands on 2010's Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All-Stars for the Wii? If not, you might want to go ahead and do so-- the clock is now officially ticking down. Siliconera reports that a recent post by Capcom Senior Vice President Christian Svensson...

Capcom Unity “Rolls With It” with Latest Preview of Archie’s Mega Man #19
Nov 7, 2012 | Mega Man
Over at Capcom Unity, Brelston has posted the latest preview for Archie's Mega Man #19, including the following solicitation: MEGA MAN #19 "Roll With It": We all know how big a hero Mega Man is, but the same heroic (robotic) heart beats in Roll as well! A terrible...

Nintendo Power’s Mega Manniversary
Nov 7, 2012 | Mega Man
We brought you a little info from the latest issue of Nintendo Power yesterday, but now that we've got the issue in our hands for ourselves, here's a quick rundown of what it has to offer for Mega Man fans. The November 2012 issue, Volume 284, features a two-page...

Rockman 5 Coming to Japan 3DS eShop Next Week
Nov 7, 2012 | Mega Man
Owners of the 3DS in Japan will be able to download Rockman 5 next week on the 15th. Naturally the game will run ¥500. Given the rate that these games have been coming out, not to mention recent word of Capcom of America's own ambitions, it seems all but certain that...

Capcom Hoping to Get Mega Man 1~6 on 3DS Virtual Console in NA
Nov 7, 2012 | Mega Man
In the most recent issue of Nintendo Power, an interview with Christian Svensson and Brett Elston reveals that Capcom of America is planning on getting all six of the original NES Mega Man games available on the Nintendo 3DS eShop's Virtual Console. Apparently, there...

Klickelan, We Are Ready for Launch
Nov 6, 2012 | Community Developments
While perhaps not in the sense that a lot of fans had hoped for, the rocket to save MegaMan Volnutt has been completed. No, I'm not talking about Mega Man Legends 3, but what I am talking about is real life fans showing their support for the game. If you'll recall,...

TMMN November Giveaway: Rockman EXE Transmission Soundtrack!
Nov 5, 2012 | Site Developments
Hey guys, we're starting our November giveaway a bit early this month. This time around, I have a copy of the recently released Rockman EXE Transmission soundtrack to hand out! Finally, SuperSweep's masterfully done music for one of the more obscure Mega Man games out...

Mega Man: The Wily Wars Gets New Release on SEGA’s New Handheld
Nov 5, 2012 | Mega Man
Alright, everyone: Let's play a game of "Good News, Bad News." Good News: Mega Man: The Wily Wars is finally seeing a re-release in the U.S.! Bad News: You have to buy a new portable system from SEGA in order to play it. Good News: The system only costs $60, and comes...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 3 Stages: Shadow Man Revisited
Nov 3, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Shadow Man Revisited The initial drop has had some spikes added, with two more waiting at the bottom for players who stick with the leftward slant of the previous screen. This is the good kind of instant death trap, since players can avoid it by holding right as long...

Sheet Music Updated with Mega Man 8, Battle Network, & Battle Chip Challenge
Nov 3, 2012 | Site Developments
For the musically-talented among you, we have good news today! Bey-Heart has notified me that the Sheet Music section (easily located in our sidebar under "Multimedia" has been updated! This batch of additions includes sheets for a piano rendition of the theme for Dr....

Mega Man as Seen from Space, and More
Nov 2, 2012 | Community Developments
Minecraft is one heck of a thing. Besides standing on its own to become something of a modern-day gaming cult classic, people go on to create the most amazing things within the boundaries of the world they are given. Some create working calculators; others, art. In...

Take a Servbot and Data Wherever You Go
Nov 1, 2012 | Community Developments
Normally you could only enjoy the company of a Servbot or Data while playing a Mega Man Legends game, or perhaps you with a toy or figure that will cost you bajillions of dollars (maybe). But no longer! With the fan-made Rockman Fan AR App for Android, you can now...
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