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Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

We just got word of this video recording of the Archie Comics panel from the New York Comic-Con which took place earlier this year, and while most of this stuff is old news by now, we wanted to share it here for those interested. If you're looking for the Mega...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

Rockman Xover Picking Up a Chat Function

For being a "social RPG," Rockman Xover isn't terribly too social, to be honest. Yeah you can send friend requests, but even then those "friends" just appear in your battles as AI controlled drones. Other games of similar nature have features like messaging and even...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

A Sneak Peek at the New Contents in R20+5

To those interested in the expanded version of the classic R20: Rockman & Rockman X Official Complete Works, here's a little taste of what to expect. Rockman Unity has posted some sample images of new bonus artwork by various contributors, as well as a little...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

Looking Back: Mega Man 9

As part of our celebration of the Mega Man series hitting its 25th anniversary, we are featuring a look back at many of the games of the Classic series. For this entry, I’ll be looking Mega Man 9, the best 1988 game released in 2008. Once upon a time there was a site...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

MegaMarathon Going On Now

Thanks to Victor, we just received word that the folks at MegaMarathon are holding... well, a MegaMarathon. They began on December 8th and have been working through both Classic and X series games in alternating order (Mega Man, Mega Man X, Mega Man 2, Mega Man X2,...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

The Decisive ROCKMAN HOLIC Trailer

The previews keep coming, and this is certainly the most in-depth preview yet. Here is 15 minutes of ROCKMAN HOLIC, with cross faded samples of all 16 tracks. All in all it's shaping up to be a pretty rockin' soundtrack! ROCKMAN HOLIC is due out in 9 days, alongside...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

Rockman Xover Getting a 25th Anniversary Surprise

While the details are being kept under wraps, an advertisement in Rockman Xover indicates that something special is coming on December 17th to commemorate Mega Man's 25th anniversary. Chances are it's probably a new special card. But who knows, perhaps they'll add a...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

A Critical Look at Mega Man 3 Stages: Dr. Wily Stage 3

Dr. Wily Stage 3 and Music Click to enlarge A neat little detail about the beginning of this stage is that the New Shotman here fires his upward shots in time with the music for the first three cycles. Though harmless at first, his positioning here is nice as it gives...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

Capcom Reveals Trailer for Street Fighter X Mega Man (Update)

Remember that fan game which featured Mega Man taking on various characters from Street Fighter? Well, guess what? Capcom has just revealed via the trailer above that it is going to be an official release to celebrate the 25th anniversary of both Mega Man and Street...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

Here’s Another ROCKMAN HOLIC Sample to Jam to

Wow, SOUND HOLIC might want to slow down! We might get the whole album out on YouTube before December 19th! Anyway, here is the latest sample for ROCKMAN HOLIC. This is "RELOADED", an entirely original track, so nothing to get nostalgic to. But if you're a fan of...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

Rockman Unity Wants Your 25th Anniversary Comments and Congrats

Good ol' Ucchy-san at Rockman Unity is getting a little celebratory plan in the works. He is asking all fans (well, technically all fans in Japan) to send in their comments aboutMega Man's 25th anniversary. The comments can pertain to things such as: Congratulatory...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

Mega Man Retro Roto 4-Figure Set on Sale at Hobo Ninja

Hey, everyone! Remember Jazwares' Mega Man "Retro Roto" line? Six-inch figures of limited articulation based on Capcom's original design sketches? Well, if you're in the market for these, then you're in luck. Hobo Ninja is having a sale where you can get Mega Man,...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

Get Equipped with Mega Puns

The newest Machinima edition of "NoPUNintendo" features a few involving Mega Man characters, and being the cruel and unjust site that we are, we had to share them with you. And when you're through crying, check out more at the NoPUNNintendo website!

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

Looking Back: Mega Man 8

As part of our celebration of the Mega Man series hitting its 25th anniversary, we are featuring a look back at many of the games of the Classic series. For this entry, I’ll be looking Mega Man 8, (in)famous for succumbing to the late-90s illness of oddly placed and...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

Mega Man 2 Coming to the 3DS eShop in Europe Early Next Year

Good news for folks east of the Atlantic. Nintendo of Europe has announced that the NES classic Mega Man 2 will become available on the 3DS's eShop sometime in Q1 of 2013. It appears Europe will be getting the classic Mega Man titles in a steady stream, albeit slower...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

Rockman Xover is 100,000 Strong

Looks like Mega Man Legends 3 isn't the only thing to have nabbed 100K supporters now. After only a week of being available, Rockman Xover is patting itself on the back for surpassing 100,000 registered players. To commemorate the milestone, users are receiving a free...

Video of Archie’s NYCC Comic Panel

The Blue Ink: Archie’s Mega Man #19 – Grrrl Power

"The legend lives on from the Chippewa on down of the big lake they call Gitchee Gumee, the lake it is said never gives up her dead when the skies of November turn gloomy..." -Gordon Lightfoot, The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald...