TMMN Staff

“For Everlasting Peace! A Mega Man Introspective” from GameSpot


Remember this? In case you're not up on this particularly bit of Japanese meme-ery, we'll let you read Heat's explanation of it from last year, which you can find here. Don't worry, we'll wait. All done? Great! So as it happens, Rockman X manga artist Yoshihiro...

“For Everlasting Peace! A Mega Man Introspective” from GameSpot

About TMMN’s Site Maintenance

As you have likely noticed, many sections of the site have been undergoing maintenance for the better part of two months. This maintenance which includes our Wiki, Forums and Gallery, was necessary for the following reason: We were hacked. The main site (Blog) and...

“For Everlasting Peace! A Mega Man Introspective” from GameSpot

Contest Reminder, and a Note about the Last

Just a reminder with the flurry of posts we've made this past week: We are running a very awesome Mega Man 25th anniversary giveaway! Please go to that article and leave your comment for a chance to win one of five excellent prizes! In fact, all five prizes have...

“For Everlasting Peace! A Mega Man Introspective” from GameSpot

Looking Back at 25 Years of Mega Man: Chris Carter

Time yet again to saunter back down the 25 year long road that has been Mega Man's life. And actually, this is our last in the series - at least for now! We may still get more fond remembrances from others in a less regular fashion. But ending our week long stretch is...

“For Everlasting Peace! A Mega Man Introspective” from GameSpot

Sticky: Capcom Needs Your Input on Digital Titles

Capcom wants you... to give them some input on what they should be doing in the digital (not retail) space. "Obviously," says Capcom Vice President Christian Svensson, "we have many opinions internally and we're looking to gather some data about your buying habits and...

“For Everlasting Peace! A Mega Man Introspective” from GameSpot

Looking Back on 25 Years of Mega Man: Brett Elston

Our next guest stepping off from the train of Mega Man memories has a name you all ought to be familiar with these days. Brett Elston, aka Brelston, one of the community managers from Capcom Unity. And Brett is a man whose love for Mega Man, I think it's safe to say,...

“For Everlasting Peace! A Mega Man Introspective” from GameSpot

Watch X Kick Ass and Take Names in this Fan Movie

Those who think X was getting a little too "wussy" in his later games may want to take a look at this. In honor of Mega Man's 25th anniversary, Shane Newville brings us this amazingly made short animation of the Maverick Hunter getting down to business and rescuing...

“For Everlasting Peace! A Mega Man Introspective” from GameSpot

Xover’s 25th Anniversary Surprise Revealed

A couple weeks ago it was announced that Xover was getting a 25th anniversary surprise, Another banner came along yesterday, announcing a "Special World" would be revealed, again the banner used Rockman Volnutt and today that "Special World" has been revealed.  Are we...

“For Everlasting Peace! A Mega Man Introspective” from GameSpot

Have a Taste of We are ROCK-MEN! 2

While ROCKMAN HOLIC has been spoiler us with samples, we've been without a preview of the ROCK-MENs latest album until just now, thanks to Ucchy-san. Coming in just under the wire (my own copy is already sitting on my shelf), here is a nice cross fade sample of We are...

“For Everlasting Peace! A Mega Man Introspective” from GameSpot

Looking Back on 25 Years of Mega Man: Tony Ponce

Welcome to the next installment of seeking thoughts on Mega Man from notable people around the community. Today we speak to Tony Ponce of Destructoid. I think it goes without saying Tony is one avid Mega Man fan. We're often trading cool stories back and forth, and...