TMMN Staff

Check Out These Great New Images and Details on D-Arts Bass (NA Release Details Added)
Feb 7, 2013 | Mega Man
D-Arts Bass is just about ready to go on pre-order in Japan. To celebrate, Ucchy-san has the privilege of showing off some snazzy pictures of the upcoming Bandai figure. You can check out more at Rockman Unity! As for what to expect with the figure, it...

Rockman Xover Update: PVP, World 5 Nerfed, and Bug Fixes
Feb 6, 2013 | Mega Man
Lots of news in the world of Xover due to today's patch, sure, it may not be breaking out of Japan anytime soon, but that doesn't mean it's never coming here either. Above is the new home screen, the friend button has been replaced with the "Battle Arena" button, the...

100K Strong Shoots for the Moon Again This Saturday
Feb 6, 2013 | Community Developments
Just a reminder for those of you who were interested: Remember the model rocket launch organized by the Facebook group 100,000 Strong for Bringing Back Mega Man Legends 3 was going to hold last month? The same one which had to be postponed due to unfavorable weather...

…and Now Mega Man #26’s Cover is Revealed
Feb 5, 2013 | Mega Man
Because why not? Two posts are better than one, right? Earlier, we brought you the cover and solicitation for Archie's Sonic the Hedgehog #249, which marks the midway point of the "Worlds Collide" saga. And now we're doing the same for Mega Man #26, which is the next...

“Worlds Collide” Reaches the Halfway Mark in May with Sonic the Hedgehog #249
Feb 5, 2013 | Mega Man
Don't you just love comic book marketing? We haven't even seen the first issue of "Worlds Collide," the massive 12-part crossover ultra-event which spans the pages of Archie's Mega Man, Sonic Universe, and Sonic the Hedgehog books, and here we are, already getting...

Mega Man 2 Now Available on the 3DS eShop in Europe
Feb 5, 2013 | Mega Man
Ah, any excuse to post this amazing box art is great. Good news, fellow fans east of the Atlantic. If you didn't hear, Mega Man 2 is now available for you on the Nintendo 3DS eShop. You can buy this classic for £4.49/€4.99. North Americans, fear not. Mega Man 2 is...

An Interview with Mega Man Music Legend Manami Matsumae
Feb 4, 2013 | Community Developments
A short while back, we reported to you about the development of World 1-2, a gaming inspired music album headed by Mohammed Taher, and bringing together a number of big names from game music, including original Mega Man composer Manami Matsumae. Recently, Mohammed got...

Looking Back: Mega Man III
Feb 4, 2013 | Articles
As part of our celebration of the Mega Man series hitting its 25th anniversary, we are featuring a look back at many of the games of the Mega Man series. This time, I’m examining Mega Man III, the midway point of the Game Boy sub-series and one of the toughest games...

A Critical Look at Mega Man 4 Stages: Ring Man
Feb 3, 2013 | Articles, Community Developments, Featured
Ring Man's Stage and Music Our new enemy is Wall Blaster, who fires three shots at a time towards Mega Man and can take five hits. We also get introduced to the stage gimmick the moment we teleport in, as the floor starts to vanish underneath us. It moves from left to...

LEGO My Mega Man?
Feb 2, 2013 | Community Developments
Just imagine, if you will, numerous LEGO building block playsets based on the many robots, levels, and characters of the Mega Man series. If one campaign succeeds, however, you won't have to simply imagine it-- you'll be able to purchase it for yourself. This would...

Concepts Unearthed – The Beginnings of Mega Man 10
Feb 1, 2013 | Mega Man
Late last year, we revealed to you the eye opening initial concepts for the Mega Man 9 Robot Masters, and Mega Man 10 was promised in short order. Well... better late than never, right? Right!? Truth be told, unlike Mega Man 9, which featured wildly different boss...

Cover, Variants and Synopsis for Worlds Collide Part 5
Jan 31, 2013 | Mega Man
Comic Book Resources has unveiled today the cover and synopsis of part five of "Worlds Collide" (Sonic Universe #52). Here we see Sonic having to deal with the Genesis Unit, who briefly appeared in Mega Man #20 (very appropriate), while Mega Man faces...

Listen to Heaps of Mega Man Music Get Genesisized
Jan 31, 2013 | Community Developments
Maybe Genesisized isn't really a word, but I hardly care. Since late last year, arranger Based Renegade has been undertaking the awesome task of remixing many if not all of the classic Mega Man soundtracks into Genesis style. And as a chiptune lover, I just can't get...

Sigma on Parade at Press The Buttons
Jan 31, 2013 | Community Developments
If there is one character across the Mega Man franchise who might be described as "fashionable," it would probably have to be Sigma. Think about it: With every new game, he's displayed a new look to fit the situation he's in. This has resulted in a lot of rather...

D-Arts Mega Man Now Available in North America
Jan 30, 2013 | Mega Man
Perhaps the greatest figure ever of the Blue Bomber can now be yours. In time for Mega Man's 25th anniversary, Bandai's D-Arts Mega Man figure is now on sale in North America. Running $44.99, you can pick up the figure at online shops such as,...

Announcing the Winners to January’s Bonus Giveaway
Jan 30, 2013 | Site Developments
After a whole year of bringing you chances to win cool stuff, we just had to get one more giveaway in for the road. This month we offered up some fantastic art books by doujin label Guiltism; a major Rockman fan. The three chosen winners will certainly be very happy...

Due to Popular Demand, Capcom USA May Not Bring Rockman Xover West
Jan 29, 2013 | Mega Man
And to think, so many people have said that Capcom doesn't listen to its fans or care what they want. Due to the enormous outpouring of vehement rage at the very existence of Rockman Xover (which our own Heat Man was less than impressed with), Capcom Senior...

Mega Man 9 & 10 are 20% Off on Xbox Live Arcade This Week
Jan 29, 2013 | Mega Man
Good news, everyone! ...who has an Xbox 360, and does not yet own Mega Man 9 or Mega Man 10. Capcom Unity reports that both games are now available for 640 Microsoft Points ($8) each until February 4th, which is just shy of when Mega Man 2 arrives on the Nintendo 3DS....

An Update about TMMN’s Site Maintenance
Jan 28, 2013 | Site Developments
Greetings fellow programs! Just an update on the site content reconstruction side of things. We will be organizing a different system for collecting and archiving all our images. The old gallery we used, which was Coppermine, will not be coming back. Of course, all of...

Real Life Mega Man Concept
Jan 28, 2013 | Community Developments
With the present state of Mega Man, there's a lot of uncertainty and speculation where the series might go next. But a concept thought up by Yung Lee definitely steps outside the usual... and also the technically possible. Combining holograms and augmented reality,...
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