LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mighty No. 9 Will Go Where You Go on 3DS and Vita – Plus New Goals
Oct 1, 2013 | Uncategorized
>Yep, is it any surprise at this point? With 11 hours to go, Mighty No. 9
has reached 3.5 million in funding. That locks down Nintendo 3DS and
PlayStation Vita releases for the game. Thanks to everyone’s efforts,
Beck’s adventure will be playable and pretty much all hardware on sale
in 2015!<

UDON Announces Mighty No. 9 Art Book
Oct 1, 2013 | Mighty No- 9
UDON Entertainment has announced that they will be handling the layout
and design for “all versions” of an upcoming new art book/strategy guide
based on Mighty No. 9.

Mighty No. 9 Confirmed for PS4 and Xbox One!
Oct 1, 2013 | Mighty No- 9
As of a few moments ago, Mighty No. 9’s Kickstarter campaign has surpassed $3.3 million in funding and has now been confirmed for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One!

Contents Revealed for Rockman X Sound Box
Sep 30, 2013 | Uncategorized
p>As we reported before, Capcom is releasing a soundtrack collection of the Mega Man X
series to celebrate its 20th anniversary this December 17th (yep, X is
gonna be 20 years old). And now we know what games’ music is planned to
be included.

First Footage of Mighty No. 9 in Action
Sep 30, 2013 | Uncategorized
>Mighty No. 9 has been a
lot of things to people so far, but what it will ultimately be is a
game. And with the announcement that it will be running on Unreal
Engine, the team at Inti Creates have released a tiny glimpse at what
the game could look like.<

New Mighty No. 9 Goal: Call Exclusive Stage
Sep 30, 2013 | Uncategorized
Even with the clearance of the support character goal, and the juicy
next gen consoles goal lying just ahead, Comcept is still prepared to
offer even more for Mighty No. 9 . Should the game reach 3.7 million in its final push, heroine Call will get her own single player stage and boss.

Might No. 9: The Final Push
Sep 30, 2013 | Uncategorized
>Comcept’s Mighty No. 9
has cleared 3.1 million dollars; reaching the goal of including a
support character to help out Beck. And now two goals remain: one for
the upcoming next gen systems from Sony and Microsoft, the other for
handheld game devices.<

AWD’s E-Heroes Looks Back at Mega Man and Forward to Mighty No. 9
Sep 29, 2013 | Community Developments
As the introduction to his new “E-Heroes” video game retrospective
series, longtime TMMN friend-of-the-site Andrew “Don’t Ask About the
‘W'” Dickman has recently posted a fun look back at how he first became involved with the Blue Bomber. Plus, in light of recent events, he gives his thoughts on Keiji Inafune’s latest pet project, Mighty No. 9.

Mega Man 2 Composer Takashi Tateishi Joins Mighty Number 9!
Sep 29, 2013 | Mighty No- 9
As if Mighty No. 9 wasn’t already a Mega Man dream team come true, Takeshi Tateishi, the composer of Mega Man 2, has agreed to make time in his busy schedule to collaborate with Manami Matsumae (Mega Man) and Ippo Yamada (Mega Man 9 and 10)!

Storm Unity Hosting 24-Hour Mega Man X Marathon for Charity
Sep 29, 2013 | Community Developments
Well, it looks like I’m not the only one hosting a marathon this October. But unlike mine, this one is pure Mega Man from top to bottom– or rather, Mega Man X.

The (Extremely Hypothetical) Case of Capcom vs. Comcept
Sep 28, 2013 | Mighty No- 9
From the day it was announced at the Penny Arcade Expo, there has been one question on everyone’s mind regarding Mighty No. 9: “Is it close enough to Mega Man that Capcom could sue Comcept?”

A Little Something Extra with D-Arts Black Armor Zero
Sep 28, 2013 | Mega Man
Ucchi-san takes a look at D-Arts Black Armored Zero. It looks like the figure comes with a surprise!

Call Joins the Fight! Mighty No. 9 Unlocks Online Co-Op
Sep 28, 2013 | Mighty No- 9
As of this moment, the combined amount of Mighty No. 9 funding has hit $2.75 million, unlocking Call as a playable character in online co-op challenge levels!

Track List and Cover Art for “For Everlasting Peace” Album
Sep 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
As we reported before, Capcom Unity is bringing two great Mega Man 25th anniversary albums to the fans. And now the fan designed covers have been revealed!

Putting Out the Call for Call! Character Design Voting Begins Now!
Sep 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
As promised, Comcept is giving users the chance to vote on their favorite design for Beck’s partner character in Mighty No. 9 , Call. But they’re not making the choice easy, as they’re not offering just two or three designs to muse over, but a whopping nine!

Mighty No. 9 Puts Handhelds on the Horizon
Sep 27, 2013 | Mighty No- 9
With only a few days to go, Mighty No. 9 has added a new monumental goal to its Kickstarter fundraiser. If the pledged dollars can reach 3.5 million, Beck will be blasting his way onto Nintendo 3DS and Playstation Vita handhelds as a digital download!

Keiji Inafune to Reddit: ‘Ask Me Anything!’
Sep 27, 2013 | Mega Man, Mighty No- 9
“Ask Me Anything” was the challenge laid before the users of Reddit, and ask they did. About Capcom, Comcept, becoming a game developer, and more.

Mega Man X Getting a Compliation Soundtrack Set
Sep 27, 2013 | Uncategorized
>Perhaps inspired from last year’s “Rockcan Sound E-Can,” a new listing
has popped up on Rakuten in Japan for a “Rockman X Sound Box” (tentative
title), which would appear to be an all new Mega Man X series soundtrack compilation.<

Mighty No. 9 Hits End Level/Boss Stretch Goal, Reveals Further Goals
Sep 26, 2013 | Uncategorized
>The Mighty No. 9 Kickstarter
has reached its next goal, clearing the $2,550,000 needed to add an
extra level and end boss to Beck’s adventure. And the best part is,
there was no need to divert funds away from Sick Kids to do it!

Ultimate Armor X D-Arts Shipping from Amazon Today
Sep 25, 2013 | Mega Man
Are you ready to experience the Ultimate in Maverick Hunting action?
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