LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mega Man #42 Covers and Solicitation

Mega Man #42 Covers and Solicitation

Midtown Comics is on top of things once again as they bring to us two new covers and the solicitation for Mega Man #42, and we must say, one of these covers looks simply Smashing.

Preview Pages for Mega Man #39: Dawn of X Part 3

Preview Pages for Mega Man #39: Dawn of X Part 3

Things heat up this month as X and the Maverick Hunters– including Vile! –take center-stage against the assault of the ancient Wily Walker in Mega Man #39! And for those who just can’t wait until tomorrow, here are five pages to preview the coming battle.

Mega Man #41 Covers and Solicitations

Mega Man #41 Covers and Solicitations

By way of Midtown Comics, the covers and solicitation to Archie’s Mega Man #41 have been revealed– and it looks like the Mega Man 3 adaptation is finally here!

More Images, Video of ThinkGeek’s Mega Buster

More Images, Video of ThinkGeek’s Mega Buster

A few days ago, ThinkGeek teased us all by showing off some sort of new life-size Mega Buster product on their Twitter. But today, we get a full look at what they have to offer us before the end of the year.

Capcom to Throttle Nintendo Virtual Consoles with New Content

Capcom to Throttle Nintendo Virtual Consoles with New Content

Hoo-wee, Capcom has revealed a bit of a Virtual Bombshell today as we look ahead to the rest of 2014 and beyond in the Nintendo eShop. It’s like they’ve taken a folding chair of old games and won’t stop hitting the Virtual Console with new releases of them until they’re good and ready.

ThinkGeek Teases a Mega Cool Product

ThinkGeek Teases a Mega Cool Product

I’m an avid buyer from the online store, ThinkGeek. For those of you who have never shopped there, they pride themselves on selling geek toys, clothing, and other merchandise. Today, on their Twitter account, they posted an interesting Vine.