LBD "Nytetrayn"

Mega Man Music and Game Genie: Nostalgic and Hellish
Jan 4, 2013 | Other News
Time for a little bit of story. When I was a kid, I used Game Genie. Call me a cheat if you like, but NES games were tough, and sometimes it was nice to have a crutch. But on top of that, it was just a lot of fun to goof around with the games and see what weird stuff...

Announcing the Winners of Our December 25th Anniversary Giveaway!
Jan 4, 2013 | Site Developments
I'm back and settled from my lovely New Year's trip to Tokyo, and now it's time to wrap up the last giveaway in 2012's monthly appreciation effort for Mega Man! Not to mention, send off the wonderful prizes you see pictured above! For this giveaway we got 334 total...

Capcom Answers Your Questions About Street Fighter X Mega Man
Jan 3, 2013 | Mega Man
Okay, so this one is a little late in coming. When Capcom revealed the trailer for Street Fighter X Mega Man, we noticed there were a lot of questions and a lot of confusion surrounding the anniversary release. To help alleviate this, we went around and gathered as...

Mega Man: “Worlds Collide” Part Four Cover: “Evil Friends Forever” Variant
Jan 2, 2013 | Mega Man
Wow... there are really no words to describe this, save for maybe "he really wasn't kidding!" We all likely knew that this was coming, but to see it before our very own eyes... it's simply perfect. Just so very, very perfect. Admit it: This may very well be the very...

Rockman.EXE: The Program of Light and Dark Fan Dub on the Way
Jan 2, 2013 | Community Developments
We recently received word that an English fan dub of the Japanese animated movie, Rockman.EXE: The Program of Light and Dark, is underway. Headed up by Nat400, details are few except to say that the full movie is coming "soon." In the meantime, you can view the teaser...

Behold the Fruits of Your Labor: The Rockman 25th Anniversary Collaboration
Jan 1, 2013 | Community Developments
We want to kick 2013 off on the right foot, and what better way than by showing off the fruits of the labor many of you have put towards completing the Rockman 25th Anniversary Collaboration, which you can see but a glimpse of at right, and in its majestic entirety...

Proto Man & Knuckles Rock the “Worlds Collide” Rival Variant Cover for Sonic Universe
Dec 31, 2012 | Mega Man
This bit of news is admittedly not very Mega Meaty, but it's something we thought some of you might nonetheless appreciate. Over at Destructoid, they have the latest preview from Archie Comics-- not for Mega Man, but rather, for the latest issue of Sonic the Hedgehog....

A Critical Look at Mega Man 4 Stages: Toad Man
Dec 30, 2012 | Articles, Community Developments
Title Music Stage Select Music So here we are at Mega Man 4. It's got a nice intro showing us the story thus far, another round of silly Robot Masters to fight, and a new mysterious villain. Nowadays, this one is often considered the turning point of the series'...

Looking Back at 25 Years of Mega Man: The Brotherhood of Gaming
Dec 29, 2012 | Community Developments
After seeing our series of Mega Man 25th anniversary Q&As, William Morris of The Brotherhood of Gaming elected to not only put together his own reflection on the series, but to do so in video form, no less! If you're interested in a text-based version of the...

Mega Man Faces the Robot Masters in Creative Ways
Dec 28, 2012 | Community Developments
Animator Scott Falco has been posting a series of short clips to YouTube which features Mega Man taking on each of the six original Robot Masters, most of them in rather creative new ways (Guts Man, a little less so, but points for characterization). You can find the...

Celebrate! Rockman Manga Artists Contribute Original Anniversary Art to R20+5
Dec 28, 2012 | Mega Man
Rockman Unity has shared some more of the new artwork added to the R20+5: Rockman and Rockman X Official Complete Works art book, each by a different Rockman manga artist celebrating the Blue Bomber's 25th anniversary. Above, you can see the contribution of Ryo...

Mega Man Now Available on Nintendo 3DS eShop in North America
Dec 27, 2012 | Mega Man
Christmas is over, but 2012 isn't through yet, and Nintendo wants to make you cry before the year is out. They want you to cry so good... or do they? As promised, today's Nintendo 3DS eShop update has brought with it the Virtual Console release of the NES version of...

“For Everlasting Peace! A Mega Man Introspective” from GameSpot
Dec 27, 2012 | Community Developments
Recently, we were asked by GameSpot Asia Associate Editor Jonathan Toyad to take part in a special video feature they were putting together at the time for Mega Man's 25th anniversary. More recently, we learned that the feature has been completed, and we're happy to...

Dec 26, 2012 | Mega Man
Remember this? In case you're not up on this particularly bit of Japanese meme-ery, we'll let you read Heat's explanation of it from last year, which you can find here. Don't worry, we'll wait. All done? Great! So as it happens, Rockman X manga artist Yoshihiro...

Happy Holidays from The Mega Man Network!
Dec 25, 2012 | Site Developments
Source: Traced back to here.

A Little Something to Get You in the Holiday Spirit
Dec 24, 2012 | Other News
An oldie but a goodie. Animation by Andrew Dickman.

About TMMN’s Site Maintenance
Dec 23, 2012 | Site Developments
As you have likely noticed, many sections of the site have been undergoing maintenance for the better part of two months. This maintenance which includes our Wiki, Forums and Gallery, was necessary for the following reason: We were hacked. The main site (Blog) and...

The TMMN Megacast #20 – Episode 25: The Search for the Episode Number
Dec 23, 2012 | Site Developments
We made it! 25 years of Mega Man... where has the time gone? Capcom's Greg and Brett return to talk all things Mega Man on the little guy's big day alongside MegaCast hosts Adam (Heat Man), Tabby, and myself (Jesse / Main Finger). We get into Street Fighter X Mega...

Contest Reminder, and a Note about the Last
Dec 23, 2012 | Community Developments
Just a reminder with the flurry of posts we've made this past week: We are running a very awesome Mega Man 25th anniversary giveaway! Please go to that article and leave your comment for a chance to win one of five excellent prizes! In fact, all five prizes have...

Looking Back at 25 Years of Mega Man: Chris Carter
Dec 23, 2012 | Community Developments
Time yet again to saunter back down the 25 year long road that has been Mega Man's life. And actually, this is our last in the series - at least for now! We may still get more fond remembrances from others in a less regular fashion. But ending our week long stretch is...
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