A sign of Mega Man Legends 3? *Updated*
File this one under curiously hopeful. Gaming news site N4G has listings for Mega Man Legends 3 under both PlayStation 3 and XBox 360. I’m not much a traverser of N4G myself so I’m not sure how these things pan out there, but then again recall how Mega Man 9 began with a curious entry on the Australian OFLC. Still, with no info listed at all, including even a developer and publisher, we’ll just have to wait on this one. Should it hold any water, I imagine info will trickle down in the near future.
News Credit: Dan
Update: Nope, this is pretty much wishful thinking on the part of a N4G user. Their moderation system doesn’t check against the existence of a game before they list it and anyone can add a game to their listing for any platform.
Sorry guys, but until someone actually references Mega Man Legends 3 in an announcement, it’s not happening for a while.
On a side note, while watching G4TV I noticed they had a poll up asking which game needs a sequel. Contenders were Misadventres of Tron Bonne, Okami and I forget the last one. Naturally, Okami won with about 66%, but that the game was even mentioned on G4 should count for something… right?
— LanceHeart
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