Rockman X DiVE Roundup – 9/30/19
Just when I thought things were slowing down, it looks like we’ve got enough stuff to pick up where we left off last week.
For starters, September 25th saw the implementation of some fan feedback from the beta test:
【Mega Man X DiVE】Developer Diary
We intgrated the feedback from most of players as below:
a.Gamepad Buttons Setting with Adjustable Transparency.
b.Adding Invincible Time after Character Died
c.Skippable Novice Guide
d.Adding More Languages
e.Script ErrorsWe would keep optimizing the game according to your precious advices.
On September 26th, a new yet familiar face was shown:

【Mega Man X DiVE】??????
During CBT event, there was a mysterious character causing a stir,
who appeared after you stepped into Chapter 2 of Gallery map.
Wanna know who he really is?
Let’s keep an eye on the upcomoing news!
Another Zero clone, but not the Zero we’re used to seeing — this model is based more on the original version seen in Mega Man X and various flashbacks. Could this be a clue? Or does it simply mean that if you fight him, he might power up into the second version of Zero?
Come to think of it, if they’ve modeled this guy, maybe there will be an option to play as the original form of Zero. I’ve always wanted to do that (for some reason).
Anyway, until his actual name is revealed, I’m referring to him as “Donut Steel.”
On September 27th, we got a “celebrity interview” with Mega Man 11 producer Kazuhiro Tsuchiya, who “talks about his viewpoint and expectation of Mega Man X DiVE.
In case you couldn’t tell, there are English subtitles.
Tsuchiya talks about various gameplay elements as well as story, and how they mesh to create “what if?” styled opportunities that we would probably not likely see in the main series. Particularly interesting is his fascination with Zero and his name — “0” being the beginning numerically, whereas “Z” is the end alphabetically — which seems like it might be a clue of sorts of what we might expect from him in the future.
On September 28th:
【Mega Man X DiVE】Transform! Ultimate Armor !
“X” trasforms into “Ultimate Armor X”, which have never been public before,
gonna be revealed in “DiVE” for its first time~~!
It’s a short video clip of X merging with his Ultimate Armor, something we’ve seen in various art, but never animated — that is, until now. Unfortunately, it’s only available on their Facebook page (not even on Twitter!), so you’ll have to click here to see it.
And that’s it for this week!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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