It’s a Fully Charged Friday!
First of all, I hope everyone in the States had a Happy Thanksgiving! And on this darkest of Fridays, I hope to cast a little light by kicking off a full weekend of The Fully Charged Podcast!
That’s right: Today, tomorrow, and Sunday, there will be new episodes (broken up into more digestible chunks for your leisure), carrying us all the way through to what Cartoon Network seems to be treating as a mid-season finale, what with Family CHRGD in Canada carrying on beyond that like it’s business as usual.
And please check out the 20th episode this Sunday, as we’ve got a very important question for you, our dear viewers, that will potentially affect the future of this very show!
But for now, here’s the next three episodes to kick off your weekend and hopefully entertain you after a rough week.
First, we’ve got Episode 14, titled “Trust Your Guts, Man.” In this episode, we’re introduced to a very different, rather literal interpretation of the classic Robot Master. Then, Protodude and I talk toys! Nendoroid Mega Man X and his Rabbit Robot Ride Armor, to be precise!
Next up is Episode 15, “Drill of the Hunt,” in which Drill Man returns and runs into a misguided attempt by Mega Man to help him realize his dreams, thus turning the whole experience into a nightmare. Brought to you (not really) by Red Bull and their odd promotion with Rockman 11, which we also discuss.
And finally (for today), we have Episode 16, “Power Cycle,” which introduces yet another new take on a Classic Robot Master in Elec Man. What’s more, Protodude and I talk about the release of the Rockman 11 soundtrack in Japan.
In addition to using the above embeds to listen to the podcast, you can also go through SoundCloud itself, or keep an eye on iTunes (which doesn’t yet have the episodes as of this writing, but they should soon) or Google Play (which has two out of the three as I write this; the other should be along before long). The hosting fee is ours, but the choice is yours!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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