Mega Man Master Edition Cancelled?

It was an unfortunate day for many a Blue Bomber fan when Archie announced that they were putting their Mega Man comic on hiatus (or “hiatus,” if it suits you better). Worse still is that latecomers to the series would find a more difficult time trying to catch up on what they had missed, as trade paperbacks collecting earlier story arcs would prove to be in short supply, with aftermarket prices being discouraging on some of them, to say the least.
This was poised to become something of a non-issue when Archie Comics announced in January of this year that they would be collecting the first 12 issues (or three story arcs) into one single volume known as Mega Man Master Edition. The $25 USD release was slated to be released on May 4th, but that book was not with you on that day, and recent events seem to indicate it may not be on any other.
PREVIEWSworld, the direct market comics distributor, recently updated their list of cancellations for June 2016. And at the top of the list? Mega Man Master Edition, alongside the number “4,” which is Previews’ code for “Cancelled by Publisher.” For those wondering, a “2” means that it will be resolicited by the publisher.
Worse news still is that Amazon no longer has a listing for it (or Dawn of X, for that matter), when the title had a listing as recently as last week. With that said, Amazon.ca does still contain listings for both titles, and while no release date is given for Master Edition, Dawn of X at least has a scheduled release of August 23rd, 2016. Amazon.co.uk has Master Edition for May 26th, but says none are in stock, while Dawn of X matches Amazon.ca.
I’ve reached out to Archie Comics for confirmation or comment, but as of this writing, no response has been forthcoming.
Thanks to David “Dr. Wily” Minter for the tip!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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