Nintendo World Interviews Inafune
With the release of Mega Man 9 ticking down, all eyes have been on series father-figure Keiji Inafune as of late. His latest interview comes from a Brazilian gaming magazine known as “Nintendo World,” which revealed two juicy tidbits regarding the future and the present of our favorite franchise:
NW: The remakes Maverick Hunter X and Powered Up didn’t reach the expected sales. Even so, are there plans to take them to Nintendo consoles or remake them as sequels?
KI: There are no plans to make remakes [of a remake?!] or sequels of these titles at the moment.
NW: Why is the X series over? Is there any intention of continuing it?
KI: It’s not that the X series is over, but we’re giving it a break. We hope to make more sequels in the future.
NW: Where in the chronology do Mega Man 9 fit in? Will Mega Man 9 be the last episode of the Classic series? Is Mega Man & Bass part of the main chronology?
KI: Basically, the chronology was made to follow Mega Man 8 and be the last/latest in the series. The world of Mega Man & Bass exists paralel to Mega Man 9.
If you’re able to read it, then you can find the entire interview here.
Credit for finding and translating it goes to our Community’s own Rodrigo Shin.
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