Ryusei no Rockman 3 Site updates, More details
Capcom of Japan has publicly opened the new Ryuusei no Rockman 3 (Mega Man Star Force 3) homepage, and there’s quite a bit of info to be had. The site has three sections: the Wave Station for story and game info, the Satellite Server which appears to be an interactive site in the works, and Information for other news. Right now we’ll focus on the Wave Station’s goodness.
A system running rampent that’s making the frequently appearing EM viruses around the world to grow ferocious and causing the Noise ratio to climb. What could be this cause of this calamity? Above the heads of Geo and the Satellite Police, who are working to resolve the situation, an unbelievable thing comes into sight: the mysterious giant meteor “Meteor G.”
As Meteor G approaches the Earth, the EM world begins to decay due to the effects of the Noise. Just how will Geo and co. be able to hold back this giant meteor?
And, just who or what is guiding Meteor G towards the Earth!?
“The mysterious giant meteor “Meteor G.” It is a thing which causes Noise to break out in the EM society. Its true form is an enormous server of accumulated Noise data drifting in space, and at its core it’s said the Noise is a beast-like EM being that possesses intelligence.”
Alongside this, the updates also reveal a new boss called Spade Magnets;
Spade Magnets: Rocket’s Wizard Magnets goes wild due to the effects of the Noise. His gentle face turns to a fiendish one, and both his arms transform into swords.
The new transformation system mentioned in the last news update is also expanded upon and are revealed to be Noise Changes;
Noise Change is a sudden mutation which happens when the malevolent Noise produced by Meteor G resonates with the Noise Control Program installed into the Hunter VG. The Noise of FMians is contained within the data absorbed by Meteor G in outer space, and when it resonates with Omega-Xis’s frequency, Mega Man’s former appearance seems to imitate the one of an FMian after encountering fierce combat.
When performing a Noise Change, Mega Man’s outward appearance changes in a big way. Take point that along with the change of his appearance, Mega Man also receives different kinds of abilities.
Furthermore, the ability to Noise Change seems to be related closely to the Noise ratio, and this number is shown during battle in the upper-right corner of the screen. You could say that the influence the Noise ratio has on battles is pretty big.
A huge thanks goes out to Heat Man for translating all of that.
The site also seems to be teeming with as of yet unmentioned features that will undoubedtly come via future updates, and you can bet Mega Man Network will keep a close eye on it.
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