Sorry You Have to Look at My Face, But…


The truth is, I’m stepping down from The Mega Man Network. Actually, I kind of stepped down sometime last month, as you might have noticed from my recent lack of posts. But it’s only about now that I could really muster up the gumption to make any formal announcement about it.

I’ve been a fan of Mega Man since childhood. One of my first memories with the series is back before I even had an NES, when I was around six. I was visiting a friend who had rented Mega Man 3. I remember that his mother had to help him with the disappearing block segments in Magnet Man’s stage. I formally fell in love with the series at Mega Man 5. I’ve worked on various fan sites promoting Mega Man since 1997.

It’s a difficult thing to leave behind, and not just because I love Mega Man so much. I’ve built up years of routine in looking out for Mega Man news and info. Through high school, college, various jobs and now living in Japan, I did my best to make a schedule that would accommodate getting word out on sites like TMMN as fast as possible. It became like a game in and of itself.

Of course in recent years, there just hasn’t been as much going on in Mega Man, or at least in games. It has become more of a struggle to find new things to keep you posted on. And the “game” of posting just stopped being fun for me. I also am simply interested into finding new interests and seeing where they take me.

I am very thankful to TMMN and everyone who’s been a part of it. I don’t think I’ve enjoyed working with a group of people more than these, and the experience has made me a lot of great friends and given me the opportunities to do cool things and talk to many people who’ve been behind Mega Man. I’m especially thankful to LBD “Nytetrayn”, Tabby, and LanceHeart, who have accompanied my entire time on this site.

Despite the current state of affairs, I am hopeful that Mega Man will make some kind of big return, even if it may not be for years still. And I also think it would be great to see a new generation of fans pick up where I left off, plugging away at the site. I might even pop up myself here and there.

If you’re really that interested in keeping up with me, you can follow me on Twitter via @daheatman2. I cannot promise everything I say will have to do with Mega Man or even be remotely interesting.

Anyway, most of all, thank you to all of you, the folks who come to enjoy the content. If not for you, well, all the years sure would have seemed like a bit of a waste! Ehehehe! Uhm… haaah.

Well then, take care, and seeya.

~Adam “Heat Man” Anania

*two weeks later, Capcom announces ULTIMATE MEGA MAN* “Hey I’m back guys!!”

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