Just what is a sound sketch?
According to Ippo Yamada, the sound sketches on ZX Gigamix are simply listening to sound. “For example,” he explains, “when you listen carefully in a room that seems silent, you can hear all sorts of sounds like the hum of appliances, the tick of a clock and the environment outside the window.” These sounds can seemingly create images and feelings in are minds, which is what the sound sketch tracks are supposed to do. So rather than music, these tracks will contain sounds and voices that let us better imagine the world of ZX. Totally deep, man.
The first sound sketch, “Grey Capsule,” is supposed to give us a look, er, listen of fragments of Grey’s experience from inside the capsule from his birth up to the opening scene from ZX Advent. The third sound sketch, “Reconstruction of Cinq Ville,” occurs at a restaurant a week after the collapse of Serpant Company, where people are likely talking about current events.
Samples of both these sound sketches can be heard from the banner links at the top of the page, as well as of Grey’s theme song “Believe in Myself.”
More news on ZX Gigamix is planned to be announced next week.
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