Perhaps D-Arts Iris Still Has a Chance?
While plenty were excited about the news of Ultimate Armor X becoming the next D-Arts figure, and Sigma being confirmed as a Figurarts ZERO statue, the whole April Fools joke setup still rubbed some people the wrong way. After all, there were backers to the figures that turned out to be fake. Even Capcom’s own Ryuji Higurashi was disappointed, and drew this crestfallen Iris in response.
After a profuse apology, Ucchy-san blogs that, for everyone’s sake (even Iris’s), things aren’t over yet. He is now preparing to reignite “that plan,” with everyone’s support. While leaving his meaning a little enigmatic for now, I assume he means “that plan” is another character survey for Bandai so that fans can vote on which products they want to see next. The one from 2011 brought about figures like Full Armor X ,Vile and Bass.
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