Rockman Crossover Introduces “Legend Armor”
A short while back, a mysterious Rockman Xover screenshot was teased showcasing what appeared to be Mega Man joining in the amazing running-straight-ahead adventure. However Ucchy has revealed the truth of the image. This is not Mega Man but a special armor that OVER-1 can equip. Dubbed the Legend Armor, this will grant access to OVER-R, who basically looks like Mega Man. Furthermore, all of his Battle Memory slots give stat boosts.
OVER-R can be obtained simply by logging in to the game over the campaign period. Each day you log in gives you a piece of the Legend Armor. There is no information concerning other characters coming over as Legend Armors, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we see it.
In other news, an update to the game allows you to lock certain Battle Memory cards, letting you easily switch over to another pre-chosen set. You can check out more screens on Rockman Unity.
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