Botchamania Does Mega Man
Things have been a bit busy on our end as of late (hey, we have lives, too), and while we aren’t always able to dedicate every waking moment to covering Mega Man, sometimes ol’ Blue still manages to find his way into the stuff we do during our downtime.
Such is the case with this writer and the infamous “Botchamania” series. For those unaware, Botchamania is a series of YouTube clip shows which feature some of the goofs and screw-ups which happen in professional wrestling. Making things more fun is that these clips are often set to video game music!
Such is the case with some recent episodes. Back in #184, creator Maffew decided to implement some themes and remixes from Mega Man X2 into his video. How many can you recognize?
Oh, and before you watch, be warned: these videos contain some Not Safe For Work language.
And perhaps it has proven popular. For one reason or another, Maffew has gone on to use Mega Man and Mega Man X tunes for the soundtracks of the three most recent Botchamania episodes, which you can find below.
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