Capcom Offers a Limited Edition Mega Man 3DS Case
If you’re like me, you carry around your Nintendo 3DS everywhere you go, probably with the tiny glimmer of hope that you’ll somehow get more street passes. Inevitably, your nice and shiny system is going to get banged up a bit. So, who better to protect your system than Mega Man? Or… Mega Man X in this case, along with Knight Man apparently. Capcom has released a limited edition 3DS case that was originally offered at San Diego Comic Con this year, now being sold their online store.
Here’s some more information from the webpage:
Limited Edition Mega Man® 3DS case.
San Diego Comic Con 2011 exclusive, previously only available at the convention.
This limited edition protective case for your 3DS features a lenticular image of Mega Man in action!
- Only available in the Capcom Store
- San Diego Comic Con Exclusive
- Only 200 were made
- Very limited availability
- Numbered with official SDCC seal
- Clam-shell style crystal clear protective case
- Features a lenticular image of Mega Man
Should you want to purchase one despite the strange combination of artwork, you can mosey on over to the Capcom Store and buy one for $15.95 plus shipping. I bought one out of sheer morbid curiosity of the art and the fact my 3DS does need a case. I have to show off my Mega Man love on it somehow.
edit: Geeze, sold out already. Didn’t think it would go that fast.
Via Protodude’s Rockman Corner and Megaman Trigger
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