Mega Man Tribute and UDON’s SDCC Guest Update (Updated)
A couple of days ago, we posted a reminder about UDON’s presence at this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, including their special edition of the Mega Man Tribute book and their special guest. Thanks to a quick chat with Managing Editor Matt Moylan, we have a small update for you.
First, while the “very special guest” was not revealed to us, we can tell you who it is not, and that would be Hitoshi Ariga. At least, “as far as I know,” Moylan told us.
So who is it? Stay tuned; we may not know until it happens, but we will deliver word either way.
(Update: Or perhaps we won’t; Moylan just informed us “it is not someone Mega Man related in any way.” Sorry, folks!)
However, that doesn’t mean that Ariga’s presence won’t be felt at the convention in some fashion. As you have no doubt seen, the SDCC-exclusive hardcover edition of Mega Man Tribute will feature a special dust jacket cover by the fan-favorite manga artist, beneath which lies Jeffrey “Chamba” Cruz’s art from the softcover version, as seen on Amazon and this very site, but minus the logo.
And for those who love his work, but can’t get the SDCC-exclusive version, there will be a second piece by Ariga, available in both versions of the book. Said to feature several of his favorite characters, we have an exclusive preview of the as-yet unrevealed piece above, which you can see features Punk.
On a personal note, Ariga and I share a favorite in Turbo Man, who he said he “put his heart into drawing” in the first volume of Mega Man Gigamix. So hopefully, the King of the Road makes the cut for this piece.
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