MML3 Devroom Event 5: The Easter Egg

Seems a little soon for this one. Easter isn’t for a couple more months yet. Ah well, this Devroom event is for users to submit some kind of hidden trick or gag that will appear in Mega Man Legends 3. This is something like how in the original Mega Man Legends, where in Apple Market you could kick the can into the bakery and get zenny.

For this event, you must think of a trick to be performed in Temeo Town that specifically involves kicking, jumping, and/or grabbing and throwing an object. Your entry description needs to be 250 words or less, and can include up to three images. Be sure to check the post for all the requirements. Also, Fujikawa-san has some example ideas that will help kick start your gray matter.

All entries are due by Tuesday, March 1st at noon PST. All entries will be judged by the dev team, and will be awarded 2,000 Unity Points. Runner-ups get 8,000 points and special badge, and the grand prize winner gets 20,000 points and a special badge. Be sure to think of some really interesting things!

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