Mega Man Olympics, STAGE 7!!!!!!!
Been a little while since we had an update to the Mega Man Olympics. The pacing is slowing as we reach the dramatic conclusion. Today, though, we come to part seven of the competition, the Heat Man stage. CLEARLY THE BEST STAGE.
And things literally do heat up, as the challenge this time is a jalapeno pepper eating contest! Ucchy-san managed to grab a surprise win under his belt the last time, but what will happen in this longest and most grueling challenge yet? The ending may surprise you…!
Only one more episode left after this. Who will be crowned Mega Man Olympics champion!? And if you’re just joining the nonsense now, here’s a much needed recap: event 1, event 2, event 3, event 4, event 5, event 6.
Via Rockman Unity.
Filed under...Mega Man
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