TMMN-TV: Mega Man Legends – All Special Weapons vs. Garudoriten

Well, this is kind of embarrassing.

My last post featuring RandomPanda’s “Mega Man Legends – All Special Weapons vs.” series was aaaaaall the way back in June of last year. As it so happens, another one was posted since then, but I kinda forgot to do a post for it. “Slipped through the cracks,” if you will.

What can I say? I was going through a rough time.

Anyway, I’ve made a point to make good on it now, so here is the third in the series, wherein every special weapon in the first Mega Man Legends is put to the test against the Garudoriten!

Despite my absent-mindedness in posting this here, I have been working on the follow-up… or, at least, I was, until my computer started to give me some troubles that seemed to indicate the hard drive was failing. As a result, it looks like I may need to start over on my wife’s computer (yeah, I still need to get a new computer). Drat.

In the meantime, if you decide that my skills are enough for something you’re working on, feel free to drop me a line via my socials or email, and we’ll see if we can work something out!

Thanks for reading (and watching)! And in case you haven’t heard, re-upping our hosting for the next few years took a big bite out of our bank account, so if you like what we’re doing here, would like to see us expand our breadth of content, and can kick in a few bucks to our Patreon, buy us an E Tank on Ko-fi, or just do something with PayPal, we’d greatly appreciate it!

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