Nadia & David’s Mega Man Mayhem: Mega Man World 5 DX for Game Boy Color
Oh, yikes! I forgot to post about this here.
Twelve days ago, Nadia and I took our first steps, to boldly go where we’d never gone before… well, sort of. We embarked on our quest to play Mega Man V, a game that’s largely unfamiliar to both of us. But we didn’t just play any old version! We checked out the fan hack called “Mega Man World 5 DX,” which converts the game into a full-color Game Boy Color-compatible title!
I just hate that the timing didn’t work out for us to do the whole batch of these mods, as they look really great and bring the “Mega Man Mania” promise of so long ago to life in a brilliant way. Hopefully Capcom is paying attention, and if they have any designs on a new Mega Man Legacy Collection featuring these titles (despite their availability on Nintendo Switch Online), they look to what has been accomplished here on how to do it.
As for our next stream, we’re breaking from Stardroid-smashing for some Morphin’ Time in Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind, which will be happening at 6pm EST Saturday, January 18th, on Twitch.tv/Nyteworks. Come and join us!
“Nadia & David’s Mega Man Mayhem” is a 90-minute stream we’ll be doing about once a month, where the plan is to play through every Mega Man game we can in chronological order, according to the timeline. We started with the first Mega Man, and after we finished that, started Mega Man 2, and so on. Next time, we’ll pick up where we left off, and go on like so.
As for the Game Boy games? Well, as you can see above, we’ve got something sorta working. Hopefully it’ll get better by the end!
Once Classic is done, we’ll move on to Mega Man X, then Mega Man Zero, and so on. (And with any luck, there will be a “Mega Man Legends Legacy Collection” or something by the time we get to that, but if not, we have a contingency or two in mind.)
And of course, we love interacting with the chat during these streams, so if you’ve got questions about the Mega Man Field Guides from UDON, Legends of the Halcyon Era, poutine recipes, or just want to chat and share the love of Mega Man, drop on in! We’d love to have you!
Keep an eye on our Twitter (or just the Twitter sidebar here) to find out when we’re streaming next! We usually announce it a day or so ahead of time.
And if you’d like to support our streaming habits, please be sure to consider donating to our Ko-fi or Patreon!
Thanks for reading!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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