Nadia & David’s Mega Man Mayhem: Mega Man III for Game Boy, Part 2
This past weekend, Nadia and I returned to the world of Mega Man III for the Game Boy — but with a slight twist!
With the release of the five Game Boy Mega Man games on Nintendo Switch Online (which will hopefully not preclude some sort of multiplatform collection sometime in the future), we decided to give that a spin instead. And the results?
Uh, well.
Things did not go well for us.
We do change it from the creamed spinach color shortly after beginning the stream, don’t worry.
Anyway, this became something of a comedy of errors. See, our normal television died on us (feel free to help us out a little there, if you wish), so we had to move the one from our bedroom in to fill the void. And, uh… we forgot that “game mode” is a thing. So yeah, we wound up playing the back half of Mega Man III in the wrong mode, which added enough lag to make certain portions particularly problematic.
But we persevered! Despite that, we did get things done, thanks to NSO’s save states and rewind features.
For the record, once I figured out how to set the game mode (it’s kinda tricky on this particular model), I gave it another try, and… no difference. Then I figured out that you have to set it for each specific input, and then I gave it one last try, and… it worked!
So, please forgive our griping and grousing over something that was absolutely not the game’s fault. Maybe I’ll try to give it a “redemption” playthrough sometime. Or maybe not. I don’t know. There are still a lot of other Mega Man games ahead of us, after all.
Next time on “Nadia & David’s Mega Man Mayhem”, we’re taking on the next of the Game Boy titles, this time live and in color with the ROM hack Mega Man World 4 LDX! But before that, “Nadia & David Ruin Video Games” will see us return to the remake of Super Mario RPG, and hopefully we’ll soon have that finished and be able to move on to the remake of Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door. So, we hope you’ll join us for that!
“Nadia & David’s Mega Man Mayhem” is a 90-minute stream we’ll be doing about once a month, where the plan is to play through every Mega Man game we can in chronological order, according to the timeline. We started with the first Mega Man, and after we finished that, started Mega Man 2, and so on. Next time, we’ll pick up where we left off, and go on like so.
As for the Game Boy games? Well, as you can see above, we’ve got something sorta working. Hopefully it’ll get better by the end!
Once Classic is done, we’ll move on to Mega Man X, then Mega Man Zero, and so on. (And with any luck, there will be a “Mega Man Legends Legacy Collection” or something by the time we get to that, but if not, we have a contingency or two in mind.)
And of course, we love interacting with the chat during these streams, so if you’ve got questions about the Mega Man Field Guides from UDON, Legends of the Halcyon Era, poutine recipes, or just want to chat and share the love of Mega Man, drop on in! We’d love to have you!
Keep an eye on our Twitter (or just the Twitter sidebar here) to find out when we’re streaming next! We usually announce it a day or so ahead of time.
And if you’d like to support our streaming habits, please be sure to consider donating to our Ko-fi or Patreon!
Thanks for reading!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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