TMMN-TV: Mega Man Legends – All Special Weapons vs. Balkon Gerät
Good news! I’ve finally finished (more or less) my work on the project that has kept me largely occupied for a good chunk of the year! I’m hoping there will be an announcement before long, and that you’ll enjoy it!
In… less good news, I still have a bunch of other work to finish catching up on from when I was doing the other thing, and that’s kept me busier than I would like, and largely unable to update here as regularly as I’d want. I hope that will change before long.
I am getting the content wheels turning once again, though, slowly but surely. I was able to put together a new video for RandomPanda, for instance, which pits all the weapons of Mega Man Legends against the Bonnes’ water-faring mech, the Balkon Gerät! Take a cruise on over to Lake Jyun by checking it out here:
On top of that, I’ve got a new story coming out this weekend, but it’s something just a little different. Please look forward to “Legends of the Sword”, coming soon!
In addition, the current plan is to stream the rest of the Game Boy Mega Man III this Saturday for “Nadia & David’s Mega Man Mayhem.” The plan is for it be at 6pm EST (give or take, you know us) this Saturday, June 15th, on our Twitch channel! Come join us, talk about Mega Man, or talk about other things! It’ll be a blast!
I’ve also got plenty of other things backed up in my TMMN queue, so hopefully those will start to roll out more steadily as we move along.
In the meantime, if you decide that my skills are enough for something you’re working on, feel free to drop me a line via my socials or email, and we’ll see if we can work something out!
Thanks for reading (and watching)! And in case you haven’t heard, re-upping our hosting for the next few years took a big bite out of our bank account, so if you like what we’re doing here, would like to see us expand our breadth of content, and can kick in a few bucks to our Patreon or buy us an E Tank on Ko-fi, we’d greatly appreciate it!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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