Let’s Fill Out the Capcom Super Elections Poll Together!
Capcom has just announced the Capcom Town Super Elections, which is basically a fancy way of conducting a survey of their fans and userbase. Works for me. Let’s give this thing a shot, shall we?
Now, curiously, the first thing they have you do is create a card (i.e. a mobile wallpaper) before you take part in the survey.
It’s pretty simple, as you basically just answer the questions “If you were a member of the cast of Capcom Town, what would your job title be?” and “If you could learn one special move, what would it be?”, as well as noting which current video game systems you own. You’ll receive your card once you finish the survey.
The first question is, “Which of the following Capcom games do you like the best?” Fortunately, this is one of the questions where you can search for an answer, giving you a pretty broad range to choose from.
Unfortunately, I hate questions like this, because it’s always subject to change, even within a franchise like Mega Man. All things considered, I decided to go with Mega Man Legends for this one. It’s not exactly wrong, but more like there are several “right” answers.
Next up: “Who is your favorite Capcom character?”
…this entire thing is a sham.
…okay, I *probably* wasn’t going to actually say her, but to not even be included…? Heinous.
Especially given the breadth of who is featured here.
Like above, I had a hard time here. I hate absolute choices.
Okay, Capcom, seriously… would you settle on something already?!
In reply to my tweet on this, some mentioned that maybe the character is Mega Man, but the franchise is Mega Man, but that doesn’t really track with past stuff I’ve seen in games, press releases, websites, and even heard while speaking to Capcom reps about it. It’s just a bit of a mess that persists to this day. I don’t want to spend too much time on that here. Tell me if you want me to talk about it some other time.
Just when I think I have the answer, they change the question.
I seriously had to use his last name for him to come up at all, because who expected this?!
Don’t get me wrong, I prefer the idea of him being named “Rock Volnutt” and “MegaMan” being a nickname, but who has played the English versions of the games and would take the English version of this survey and expect to have to use the Japanese version of his name?
Heeeeey, maybe this is another one of those subtle leaks, giving us how they’re doing it in a sequel or relocalization or something? Yeah, just like how they hid that picture from Mega Man 11 in Mega Man Legacy Collection 2! Wouldn’t that be something? You heard it here first, Arby’s!
Anyway, if Volnutt’s your boy, that’s how you’re going to find him. You’re welcome!
And on this day (I see clearly…), Rock Volnutt is my boy. I was tempted to go with Servbots or Tron, but I was worried they might misread my intent there. Not that I’d mind another Misadventures of Tron Bonne, either, but…
Incidentally, Alia, Nana, Mega Man, X, Zero, Axl, Turbo Man, and Nitro Man were also in the running. Along with a host of others. I know they’re not my children or anything, but man, picking one feels like choosing your favorite child. Heck, I’m not even this indecisive with my own characters!
Anyway, moving on…
“What do you look for in Capcom games?”
I feel like most of these answers work for Mega Man in general, so I went with these three.
What would you pick?
“What image do you have of Capcom?”
I’m not gonna lie: The HQ one was really tempting. And it’s not exactly wrong.
Incidentally, if they have been working on a new Mega Man all this time, then “Extremely meticulous” would also apply.
So, come on, Capcom! Show us your extreme meticulousness!
“Are there any Capcom games (including spinoff games) that you would like to see get a sequel or new game?”
Are there?! Alright… *cracks knuckles*
…huh. Well, they aren’t casting nearly as wide a net here, are they?
I kinda get narrowing Mega Man down to one, but no Maximo? Strider? Bionic Commando? Sheesh.
Wait, I know Maximo is technically a spinoff of Ghosts ‘n Goblins, but would they count it if I’d said that?
Dang. My third pick was DarkStalkers, but I might have swapped something out if I’d thought of that.
“Is there a game that you would like to see completely remade with the latest technology, including character design and story direction?”
Oh, sure, where it really counts, they narrow the field down to just one pick.
Sorry, Rival Schools and Final Fight. *sheds a teardrop in the wind*
Incidentally, remakes of the first three games aren’t exactly what I want most from Mega Man right now, but I don’t hate the idea, either. It’s like a second-tier “that’d be cool” thing, after some long-awaited sequels and collections/remakes of other games in the franchise.
I still think a “Mega Man Legends Legacy Collection” that gives them the Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy/Spyro Reignited Trilogy treatment could be pretty dope, though.
“What was the first Capcom game you played?”
Okay, I don’t recall exactly — I think it might have been Mickey Mousecapade, but they just yoinked that from Hudson Soft and it’s not listed here, anyway.
Or it might have actually been Bionic Commando for NES, but they only have the arcade and reboot as choices. Huh.
Well, with those all knocked out, I certainly remember the first Mega Man game I played — the first one!
“What Capcom game has influenced you the most?”
I mean, duh.
Sure, I could argue things with X or Legends, but when you get right down to the core of the matter, the original Mega Man is what got that whole entire ball rolling.
“Do you have a complaint you would like to share with Capcom?”
Oooh, now it’s getting spicy… aw, only one?
Eh… I went with “Needs to communicate with its fans better!” I mean, we have been complaining about that a lot lately, in light of the absolutely silent 30th anniversary and everything.
I’d go with the lower-left, “I’ve got lots of reasons not listed above!”, but truth is, most of the reasons are listed. I just can’t pick them all!
Question 10: “We welcome all your support for Capcom.”
That isn’t a question.
I picked “It depends on how Capcom acts.” Because of course it does.
Always remember 7/18/11.
“Do you have any final comments for Capcom?”
OH, BOY! *cracks knuckles again*
Yeah, this is where everyone is just going to go nuts in their own different ways. As for me…
I’d love to say more, but I guess I’ll just go with this. Hopefully between this and the other answers I’ve given, they get the right idea.
*makes “call me” gesture to Capcom*
Oh, and this thing is a gift drawing, too! Prizes include Capcom Hanafuda, a key art catalog, and a pixel art wood badge set. I put in for the catalog.
Huh, now there’s something you don’t see every day. I mean, sure, around here, we see Quebec get excluded all the time, but that’s not what I mean. What I mean is a contest open to various countries that includes Canada, but not the United States!
I won’t complain, though.
And for anyone worried about missing out, this stuff is all apparently supposed to go on sale later, so there will still be a chance to get some.
Also, I’m pretty sure anyone in the world can enter the survey, just not the gift drawing.
So yeah, that was fun, and hopefully productive, and certainly not a way to produce some content here quickly while I work on other things and hope no one notices!
If you’re interested in participating and hopefully helping raise Mega Man stock in Capcom’s eyes, then head right over here and fill out one of your own! Don’t delay, vote today!
And just remember:
#LegendsNeverDie #WeAreRockman #WeAreMegaMan
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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