A Song-by-Song Look at Mega Man: The Album – Driver by The Hollowbodies
Okay, I’m running behind with a big article I’ve been working on for the last week or two, so here’s something to help fill that gap until I’m done.
Back in 1995, Ruby-Spears began the second season of their Mega Man cartoon, but fans who stuck around for the credits during this time noticed something different. Rather than an instrumental version of the “Super Fighting Robot” theme song we all know and love, the credits would play to different songs from different genres instead. At the end of those credits, the following screen would flash by for a moment:
Initially, I didn’t think much of it during the initial airings, but as time wore on, I grew compelled by this ad. Now able to drive and earn my own money, I decided to seek out this soundtrack. After all, Mega Man merchandise was still incredibly rare at the time, so this seemed like it would be a good get, regardless. After all, I loved the theme song, and most of the background tracks, too, for that matter. iTunes — heck, Napster wasn’t even a thing yet, so if I wanted this music, this seemed like the way to go.
So I went to the Sam Goody (though it might have been Musicland at the time) at my local mall, and asked if they could get a copy for me, and they said sure. Maybe a week or so later, I got the call: my order had come in.
What I got was not what I expected.
The cover and liner were pure fire, featuring the promotional art I’d seen in GamePro magazine that made me gaga for the show to begin with, but at a much higher resolution. Say what you will about the change in design and art style, but after the live-action Batman and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles movies, I guess I’d gotten used to characters looking a bit different when crossing mediums.
But then there were the tracks.
Twelve songs listed. Some of them had to be tunes from the show, right? Well, it didn’t look like it… I knew that some of those songs from the end credits were probably bound to be here, though I was still a little disappointed. But hey! There’s the “Mega Man Theme” right at the bottom! Almost six glorious minutes of it! So all must not be lost.
But we’ll get to that. For now, we’re going to take a look at the album, song by song, and see what’s what.
The Song: “Driver” by The Hollowbodies, from their album Lame.
Who Are They? According to AllMusic, “Led by first cousins Phillip (vocals/guitar) and Shea Roebuck (bass), the alternative rock trio the Hollowbodies also included drummer Anthony Smedile. Debuting in 1995 with Lame, they resurfaced three years later with Viva la Dregs.”
How Is It, And Does It Fit Mega Man? I always kinda liked this one. Maybe it’s a song of its day, but it’s upbeat and still has a good sound, I think. Doesn’t sound much like Mega Man music, of course, be it of the cartoon or video game variety. At first it sounds like the lyrics could work in a way, talking about “save you” and you hear the word “rush,” but beyond that, it seems to be more about driving. Mega Man did drive a flashy sports car in at least one episode of the cartoon, though, so I guess that works?
I tried to look up the lyrics, but it seems like the only places with them want a membership, so meh to that. Considering how almost every song from the Japanese Rockman games or anime have little to do with anything in the series, though, I’m willing to be forgiving. And in that way, I feel like the song fits in well enough. It’s a pretty good start to the album, despite not being what I was looking for. (Being attached to one of my favorite episodes probably doesn’t hurt it, either.)
Incidentally, I wonder if the “driving” theme would make it a good fit for Mega Man: Battle & Chase…
Album cover art and other information via Discogs.
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David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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