Nadia & David’s Mega Man Mayhem: Mega Man 1 (and a Little Bit of 2)
*blows a huge layer of dust off of The Mega Man Network’s YouTube channel*
Alright! Took a little bit of time to get this ready for prime time, but in case you missed it: Back on December 17th, the 35th anniversary of Mega Man, my wife, Nadia, and I celebrated in part by going back to where it all began with a live stream of us playing through the original Mega Man, by way of Mega Man Legacy Collection! (The other two parts were the new site design and a personally special episode of Legends of the Halcyon Era, “The Girl With No Name”.
This one has been cleaned up to TMMN standards at my request by ShadowRock ZX, but if you want to see the raw, uncensored version, then you can find that on the Nyteworks channel, where all of our regular streams get dumped (our latest is checking out the SEGA Genesis Mini 2).
“Nadia & David’s Mega Man Mayhem” is a 90-minute stream we’ll be doing about once a month (we tend to stream every other week, and these will try to be every other stream), where the plan is to play through every Mega Man game we can in chronological order, according to the timeline. We started with the first Mega Man this week, and after we finished that, started Mega Man 2, and took down one Robot Master. Next time, we’ll pick up where we left off, and go on like so.
As for the Game Boy games? Well, we’ll see what we can do, but without them being on a modern console with HDMI-out, our options are limited. But we’ll try.
Once Classic is done, we’ll move on to Mega Man X, then Mega Man Zero, and so on. (And with any luck, there will be a “Mega Man Legends Legacy Collection” or something by the time we get to that, but if not, we have a contingency or two in mind.)
And of course, we love interacting with the chat during these streams, so if you’ve got questions about the Mega Man Field Guides from UDON, Legends of the Halcyon Era, or just want to chat and share the love of Mega Man, drop on in! We’d love to have you!
Our next episode is pencilled in for January 14th, but we’ll announce it a couple of days ahead of time on our Twitter.
We’ve got some other plans for YouTube content in the New Year as well, so we’ll see how that goes.
Thanks for reading!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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