How Good is Mega Man in Dragalia Lost?

So this is coming in a bit late, as the “Mega Man: Chaos Protocol” event in Dragalia Lost is quite finished.

Nevertheless, Auto passed this along to me a short time ago, and maybe it can still be of some use? Maybe you’ve unlocked Mega Man and have him as a member of your team, but don’t know how to get the most out of him? In that case, perhaps this video from Brotel can help.

As I don’t play the game myself, I don’t quite understand everything that’s said here, but it sounds like Mega Man maxes out his HP at the lowest level of anyone in the game, but makes up for it with his ranged attacks, including the Mega Buster, the Metal Blade, and the Leaf Shield.

Overall, Brotel rates him as an “okay, average” character, but if you’ve played, what do you think? Have any strategies to help fellow Mega Man users rise to the top of the ranks?

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