Inti Creates Celebrates Thanksgiving with Sales, Dragon Update, and Gunvolt Chronicles Wallpaper
It’s Thanksgiving weekend in the States, and to celebrate, Inti Creates has dropped a good few things for you to check out.
First, Dragon: Marked for Death has just received its first update in a little over half a year, and it’s a doozy.
If you want more details than what the video provides, the full patch notes for the Version 2.2.0 update can be found, fittingly enough, in the “Update” tab on the Product page of the official website. There’s quite a bit more there!
Next up: Sales!
Per Inti’s press release, until December 4th, you can find these Cyber Deals in the Nintendo Switch eShop:
Azure Striker GUNVOLT: STRIKER PACK – 50% OFF ($39.99 → $19.99)
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon – 50% OFF ($9.99 → $4.99)
BLASTER MASTER ZERO – 50% OFF ($9.99 → $4.99)
BLASTER MASTER ZERO 2 – 25% OFF ($9.99 → $7.49)
MIGHTY GUNVOLT BURST – 50% OFF ($9.99 → $4.99)
Dragon Marked for Death: Frontline Fighters – 30% OFF ($14.99 → $10.49)
Dragon Marked for Death: Advanced Attackers – 30% OFF ($14.99 → $10.49)
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX – 10% OFF ($14.99 → $13.49)
And until December 3rd, the following deals can be found as a part of Steam’s Autumn Sale:
Azure Striker GUNVOLT – 55% OFF ($14.99 → $6.74)
MIGHTY GUNVOLT – 77% OFF ($4.99 → $1.14)
Gal*Gun VR – 60% OFF ($29.99 → $11.99)
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon – 45% OFF ($9.99 → $5.49)
BLASTER MASTER ZERO – 30% OFF ($9.99 → $6.99)
MIGHTY GUNVOLT BURST – 30% OFF ($9.99 → $6.99)
Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX – 10% OFF ($14.99 → $13.49)
Gal*Gun 2 – 60% OFF ($44.99 → $17.99)
Gal*Gun Double Peace – 80% OFF ($39.99 → $7.99)
Finally, Mr. Yoshitaka Hatakeyama — the official illustrator for Inti Creates’ flagship series, Azure Striker Gunvolt — has put together the following holiday-themed desktop wallpaper featuring the heroes of Gunvolt Chronicles: Luminous Avenger iX for your enjoyment:

To get yours at full size, visit the Wallpaper page of the official Gunvolt website here.

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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