Rockman X DiVE Roundup – 8/23/19
It’s Friday, and that means it’s time to take another “dive” into Capcom Taiwan’s updates for their upcoming mobile game, Rockman X DiVE.
This week’s gathering of news and info might seem a little shorter than usual. You see, following our last roundup, they Facebook page would go on to post the same video about the Chip System that I ended on. Likewise, the next day, they talked about the PVP system with its video.
For August 18th, we would get a screenshot of Alia in action, along with an unobscured version of the previously-revealed character model:

Just a passing thought, but since some people prefer one version of Alia (Mega Man X5 through X7) over her newer design, and with so many characters, I wonder if they’d consider adding a “Version 1” Alia for fans to use?
Anyway, the developer diary had this to say with the above images:
【Mega Man X DiVE】Developer Diary?
?New Stage & CharacterLook who is challenging the stage?
Can you figure out which map it is?
The silhouette presented in the group shot seen last week hinted at this reveal, but on August 19th, it was confirmed that Ferham would be joining the fray. Here’s the old art of her alongside the new:

Not much has changed, of course, but the new art does show off the metallic texture of her armor a bit more.
【Mega Man X DiVE】Developer Diary?
?Character File -Ferham
She made her debut in ” Mega X Man Command Mission” .
Her whip, while laser-like, has been revealed to be electromagnetic…
August 20th shows us Axl, Pallette, and Vile (VAVA) making their way through the Highway, Gallery, and Factory levels, respectively.

【Mega Man X DiVE】?The Hardest Stage?
Do you still remember that…
In Mega Man X series game,
Which stage is the most challenging?
Or the hardest one you’ve ever met?
Share with others how you did it!
On August 21st, RiCO delivered some big news:

Not only is the deadline for joining the closed beta test extended to the 25th, but it sounds like they’ve removed the limit for how many people can get in (which I guess kinda sucks for those who worked hard at the collection contest, but is good for everyone else. At least they still get prizes).
【Mega Man X DiVE】⏰Global CBT Time Determined⏰
Hello! Hunters
Here comes the exciting news today!
Details as below~?Global CBT Time:2019/9/6(Fri)10:00~2019/9/10(Tue)10:00(GMT+8)?
?CBT Recruiting Event Extended to 8/25(GMT+8)?
Not ready for being a Hunter during CBT? There is a good news!
Though the registration surpass the limit, we’ re gonna extend the event.
It is not only for the sake of providing you the better gaming experience, but opening much more quotas for those who want to play in advance!
Don’t miss the last chance if you are a Mega Man Lover!?CBT Recruiting Now? https://bit.ly/2OPp13s
Only Extended till 8/25(GMT+8)!
Quickly Invite your friends loving Mega Man series!
Without a good Android device with which to partake, unfortunately, it looks like I’m sitting this one out.
Also on August 21st, the winners of the contest were revealed:

【Winners List】Event-Show your Mega Man Collections
It’s awesome to see such great collections full of memories!
We’re gonna announce the Top 3 Winners! Don’t forget!
Participants who are within top 200 and fill in their file,will be included into CBT event!
《Click the link below to check it out》
Also on August 21st, a new video was shown with RiCO and officially introducing us to her voice actor, Ueda Reina:
According to this, it appears she’ll be acting as the Navigator for the mission — even to the other Navigators?
For August 22nd, the posts made showed off the pictures of the contest winners’ collections.
Finally, this graphic accompanies a list of what will be available to play in the Closed Beta Test (CBT):

【Mega Man X DiVE】?Take a Glance at CBT?
CBT is coming soon!
Let’s see what you can play in advance!?Content?
?Max Level – Lv. 20
?Story – CH1.- CH.3 (Highway, Gallery, Factory)
?Co-op – Clear stages with your partners.
?PvP – Fight with the other players
?Chip – Weapons can be equipped chips to get extra skills.
That seems like a pretty healthy amount of content.
And that’s it for another week! As always, check back here around the end of next week for more, or if you can’t wait that long, be sure to head over and “Like” the official Rockman X DiVE Facebook page!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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