Mega Man: The Wily Wars and More on the SEGA Genesis Mini from E3
As predicted, Mega Man didn’t really have much of a presence at this year’s Electronic Entertainment Expo (or E3, if you prefer). Well, except for this.
The main attraction, though, came not by way of Capcom’s booth, but SEGA’s, as they presented the SEGA Genesis Mini in all its glory, complete with Mega Man: The Wily Wars available for people to try out.
People such as Ash Paulsen and André Segers of GameXplain, who happily recorded 18 minutes of footage with both that title and Sonic the Hedgehog 2:
According to Ash’s Twitter, “yes, it plays + runs beautifully. No slowdown. 60fps.”
And in case you missed it during the last Fully Charged Podcast, yes, SEGA PR says that they “can confirm the Wily Tower is included with Mega Man: The Wily Wars for the SEGA Genesis Mini.” So no Wily Tower-less version like AtGames reportedly provided with their SEGA Genesis: Ultimate Portable Game Player some years ago. And with M2 being the ones providing the emulation, who could expect anything less?
GameXplain weren’t the only ones checking out the Blue Bomber’s retro remake, however. Via Protodude’s Rockman Corner, All Elite Wrestling Executive Vice-President and known Mega Man fan, Kenny Omega, made an appearance on Geoff Keighley’s Gameslice program to demonstrate the game:
As a reminder, the SEGA Genesis Mini will be available on September 19th, 2019 for $79.99 US/$99.99 CAD/£69.99/€79.99/AUD$139.95, and comes with 42 games (the 3-in-1 Mega Man: The WIly Wars only counts as one, in case you were wondering). You can find out more by visiting the official website.
Oh, and incidentally, in putting this together, I only just now found out SEGA was giving away SEGA Genesis Mini cartridges as swag at the show. If you happened to go and got one but aren’t afraid to part with it, maybe drop me a line?

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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