Swish! The Fully Charged Podcast Rushes to Greatness in Three New Episodes
We asked, you answered! Well, some of you, anyway. Enough that we have decided that whenever and wherever Mega Man: Fully Charged airs, The Fully Charged Podcast will be there to watch and relay to you our thoughts, along with whatever else is going on in the world of Mega Man and beyond.
So with that, we have three new episodes for you here today, with three more being edited as we speak! On that note, we would like to bid our original editor, Chris Hoffman, a fond farewell as he moves on to other ventures. For those interested, you can still keep up with the former Senior Editor of Nintendo Power on his own podcast, Power Pros (where I’ve been known to occasionally guest-host).
Stepping in to fill his role from here on is a familiar face: ShadowRockZX, whose work has been featured here on The Mega Man Network, including that time he joined us and Ash Paulsen for a lengthy look at Mega Man 11, of which he then made a YouTube version.
So if things seem a little different starting here, that would be why. Feel free to let us know what you think!
Starting things off, we’ve got Episode 21: “Rush to Greatness,” where we discuss Rush’s new upgrades and our final thoughts going into the release of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate:
Next up is Episode 22, the confusingly-named “Enter Namagem”/”S.W.I.S.H.” In addition to looking at one of Mega Man’s deadliest foes to date (this version, at least), we also talk a bit about the recently-released Rockman X5 IF manga:
Finally, we check out Episode 23, which bears a title that no doubt will thrill many: “Minus Mini.” In addition to that, Protodude and myself discuss the recently-released hack that allows players of Mega Man Soccer to finally receive the ending they worked so hard for:
And that wraps up this trilogy of episodes! As said before, three more are on the way soon, and then we’ll be all caught up with Family CHRGD’s airing of new episodes. But don’t worry, more are on the way. As for Protodude and I? Well, I don’t think we’re quite finished for the season yet…
If listening to the embeds above isn’t for you, you can always go directly to SoundCloud, or download them off of iTunes or Google Play. As always, the hosting fee is ours, but the choice is yours!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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