Is the Mega Man 11 Collector’s Edition Guide Worth the Money?
When Mega Man 11 was released on October 2nd, a player’s guide from Prima Games was released alongside it.
But this wasn’t just any guide, oh no. Mega Man 11: Celebrating 30 Years of the Blue Bomber (as it’s officially titled) is a whopping 304 page hardcover book that features a look behind-the-scenes, interviews, fan art, a timeline of Mega Man history, and more (oh, and the walkthrough). I was all ready to get myself a copy — at least, until I heard it was $51.99 CAD, which is more than the game itself.
What to do, what to do. I would certainly like to add it to my collection, but is it worth the expense? That’s new game money there, after all. Sure, the new Mega Man 11 content may be good, but how much of it is needed? And how much of the anniversary content do I already know or have elsewhere?
Fortunately, Eugene42181 is here to lend me a helping hand. On his YouTube channel, he’s posted a lengthy and thorough look at the contents of this tome, helping me (and you, if you haven’t gotten it already) decide whether we should fork over the number of Bolts required to put this bad boy on our shelves:
So is it worth it? Well, you really have to decide that for yourself.
As for me, I think I’d like to add this piece to my collection (or at least my Wish List, for the time being!). Fortunately, it seems that getting it at a discount isn’t too difficult if you look in the right places (Amazon, Indigo, etc.), so that should help ease the decision-making process a bit — to say nothing of the potential strain on your wallet.

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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