Mega Man: Fully Charged Episode 11 Preview

Well, this is a fine thing: Cartoon Network has apparently decided to not only prevent me from seeing any further trailers for Mega Man: Fully Charged on their YouTube channel, but they’ve also disabled the ones that I could previously see, which likely means both the official Mega Man: Fully Charged channel and Cartoon Network’s clips are moot links outside of the United States.


Nonetheless, courtesy of Ability King KK, here’s what I hope is a working embed of the preview for those able to see it:

According to the latest batch of episode descriptions, “Aki must set aside a petty rivalry with Bert Wily (wow, let that one sink in. –LBD) in order to stop Chemistry Man from wreaking havoc at Silicon Central’s Field Day.”

From that, I assume the guy in the thumbnail (the only thing I can see) is Chemistry Man. I assume he does… stuff. Probably chemical stuff.

He looks like he might be a fun character. Maybe.

Feel free to tell me in the comments below!

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