Mega Man: Fully Charged Episode 6 and 7 Previews
Another day, another batch of previews for Mega Man: Fully Charged from Cartoon Network’s YouTube channel (thanks to Ability King KK for letting me know these were up). This time, it’s episode 6, “Blaze of Glory,” and episode 7, “Nice on Ice,” that are on tap, each flaunting a familiar face.
Description: “Mega Man and Suna must overcome a sibling dispute over what to do on their day off in order to stop Fire Man from overheating the city.”
Description: “Ice Man is on a mission to “unite” (i.e. freeze together) every human and robot couple in the city!”
According to the episode guide, these two episodes are slated to air on Cartoon Network August 19th and August 26th, respectively. Huh, you’d think they’d pair up the ones scheduled for the same day, but what do I know?
You can also view them now on-demand through the Cartoon Network app, or if your cable company allows it, through them. As Paul Kaye explains in a tip of his own:
I’m not sure how long this will be the case, but all ten episodes of Cartoon Network’s Mega Man: Fully Charged are available on Spectrum On Demand in South Carolina at least. Since the series is debuting tomorrow at 6:30am with no apparent encore presentations, this might be the best way to catch the premiere and maybe cannonball the rest of the series before it gets gated behind release dates again.
If you’ve found your cable system allows for on-demand viewing of the show, feel free to share the details in the comments below!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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