Banjo Guy Ollie Performs Crash Man’s Game Boy Theme
This week, Banjo Guy Ollie brings us something a little bit different: The theme of Crash Man from the Game Boy version of Mega Man II.
For those unfamiliar, here’s Crash Man’s theme from Mega Man 2 for the Nintendo Entertainment System, as most of us know it:
Now, compare with the rather different Game Boy theme:
Now, with that in mind, here’s Banjo Guy Ollie’s remix:
You can find more of his Mega Man covers by clicking on these links right here, or by checking out his channel on YouTube.

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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