Mega Man Official Complete Works & Mega Man X Official Complete Works Getting New Printings

For those who missed out on the other releases of the Mega Man Official Complete Works and Mega Man X Official Complete Works art books, good news! UDON Entertainment has revealed that they will be releasing both books (which have also seen release as one giant tome) later this year.
Things are a little different this time, however, as both books are now going to be available as hardcover editions.
But not too different; those who have followed the previous releases of these books may remember that the 25th anniversary release which brought both books together also added content for Mega Man 9, Mega Man 10, and Rockman Xover, as well as some then-new tribute art, and that will be present in Mega Man Official Complete Works this time as well.
Both books will be available for $39.99 USD, with Mega Man Official Complete Works scheduled for an October 16th, 2018, and Mega Man X Official Complete Works due sometime the month after. And if you’re primed to buy it through Amazon.com, you can find the listing for the first book here.
With that said, UDON is also interested in knowing which (if any) of their other previous books you would like to see hardcover editions of (please say “Mega Man Robot Master Field Guide” — not that I’m biased or anything). You can leave those thoughts in the comments below.
Thanks to Adam Bell for bringing this to my attention, via @Wario64!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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