Mega Man of Action Still Kicking, Now Featuring Robot Masters

It’s been a while since we last heard anything about the upcoming Mega Man cartoon from Man of Action Entertainment and friends, with some wondering — especially after its seeming absence from Toy Fair earlier this year — if it was still going to happen at all.
Well wonder no more, because @IMissBionix posted the image you see at right (or maybe above or below this on mobile) on his Twitter account. And this time, the Blue Bomber is not alone! No, I’m not talking about Mega Mini — I’m talking Robot Masters!
There are a handful to be seen in the promo art for DHX Media’s appearance at the MIPTV trade show in April, and for the most part, they’re recognizable! From right to left, we have Drill Man, Wave Man, Ice Man, and who I initially thought was Burner Man, but upon closer observation seems to be Fire Man.
That just leaves the one up above. @IMissBionix posited it might be Vesper Woman, but it doesn’t seem bee-like enough. My first-glimpse reaction was The Skiver/Spiral Pegasus, until I remembered he’s from Mega Man X, to say nothing of looking closer. Might this be an original creation?
And who is behind all of these rampaging robot shenanigans? According to the following description from the DHX Media website, it doesn’t appear to be the usual suspect:

“Sgt. Night”? Could this be the new mastermind for the series, or simply a lower-ranked soldier in an army where someone else is pulling the strings? Perhaps a wily individual who has a doctorate?
As for the “52×11′” bit, Protodude’s Rockman Corner indicates that this represents a format of 52 episodes at 11 minutes each (a fairly common format for a lot of animated series these days) when it goes to air on Cartoon Network in the U.S. later this year.
Thanks to ShadowRockX and GeminiSparkSP for the tips!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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