Awesome Games Done Quick Does Mega Man… Again!
Games Done Quick has just wrapped up their seven days of streaming for January 2018, and as one might rightly expect, Mega Man was a part of the festivities to raise money for the Prevent Cancer Foundation. Several games, in fact, and for your convenience and viewing pleasure, you can check out the playbacks right here.
Just a quick note: I haven’t been able to watch these all the way through, so if there’s any Not Safe For Work content, I don’t know about it, so view at your own risk.
First, kick things off with a race between Colonel Fatso, Walrus_Prime, and Tokyo90 in the original Mega Man X — or rather, the original original Mega Man X, Rockman X:
22:22 is where the fun begins.
Next up is a speedrun from ultrauberness in which they take on Mega Man X4 as X and beat it in under 50 minutes:
8:48 is where you’ll want to jump to as the game starts up here.
The third Mega Man game in succession is Mega Ma — er, Rockman Zero 3, which ajarmar takes out in just under 43 minutes:
16 minutes even makes a good starting point here.
After all that red-hot action from 21XX and beyond, here’s an intermission from a title with some interest to fans of the Mega Man-esque. Skavenger216 takes on Inti Creates’ reboot of Blaster Master with special guest character Shantae, bringing it to a close in just over 44 minutes:
14:48 is where you’ll want to jump to for the action here.
Back in the land of the Blue, Joka beats Rockman & Forte for the Super Famicom in 37:19 by using the latter title character :
14:54 is where you’ll want to jump to for the action to start.
As a grand finale to the GDQ Mega Man saga, four teams take part in a relay race to beat the first three Mega Man (or rather, Rockman) games in just under one hour and 27 minutes:
35:19 is where the fun begins.
Incidentally, I missed the event that GDQ ran about half a year ago, so if you’re still jonesing for more, here are links to Mega Man 4, Mega Man X, Mega Man X2, Mega Man X3, and Mega Man X6, plus one of my favorite somewhat Mega Man-esque games (when you suit up in the mech, at the very least), Kirby: Planet Robobot.
And of course, you can find so many more games being done quickly by visiting Games Done Quick’s official YouTube channel.

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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