Previews Worlds Posts Solicitations for Mega Man Mastermix #1
Previews World, the website for comic distributor Diamond Comic Distributors, has posted solicitations for the upcoming release of Mega Man Mastermix #1 from UDON Entertainment.
UDON unveiled the new project back in July, but new details have emerged with these listings, including additional variant covers:

Arriving in comic shops on January 24th, 2018, the first cover (drawn by Hitoshi Ariga himself) and the second cover (by UDON’s own Jeffrey “Chamba” Cruz) versions will retail for $7.99 USD. The third version (a blank cover, often used for receiving customized sketches from the talent at conventions) will cost an extra dollar more at $8.99 USD.
In addition, Previews World offers the following description for all three versions:
The Blue Bomber returns to comics through the classic stories of Japanese artist Hitoshi Ariga – available for the first time in color! In a world where humans and robots live and work together, six powerful robots have suddenly turned against their programming and set their sights on causing chaos and destruction! Only one heroic robot stands in their path – Mega Man, the greatest creation of Dr. Light!
Thanks to David Minter for the tip!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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