Red Ash-a-rama!

While there is still no news to be had regarding the video game version of Red Ash from Comcept, or rather, presumably now from Level-5 Comcept, Studio4℃ is continuing to march right along with their anime version of the concept, Red Ash -Magicicada-.
Recently, an update was made to those who backed the Kickstarter campaign providing a question and answer session with Chiaki Imanaka, the 3D character designer and CGI animation director for the film.
The full Q&A can be found here — only three questions long — so be sure to check it out to learn more about the creative process that went into the movie!

But perhaps of even greater interest to those who opted to back the project is that rewards have now been sent out — as of the end of last week, in fact. As such, some backers in Japan (and even outside) may have received their rewards already.
Those still expecting will want to keep an eye out for delivery by Yu-Pack if you’re in Japan, and EMS for those living internationally. Studio 4℃ pleads with those who should be receiving something to “Please make sure to receive the package and avoid having it sent back to Japan!” Otherwise, if it’s returned to them, the shipping cost for a second attempt is going to be on you.

Incidentally, if you pledged to receive a figure of Call, Lucy, or Deluxe, know that yours have been delayed until mid-August, if all goes according to plan. The reason for this is that there is a “delay of completion” on those figures.
If you haven’t informed them of your shipping address, be sure to get on that, as they will make those shipments as they hear from you.
As for those expecting a digital reward, you should be notified by e-mail with a link to a download page for your rewards that will remain open until August 31st, JST, so make sure you’ve gotten everything there by then. They add that those that they could not send the e-mail to will be contacted individually.
If you have any questions about the rewards or shipments, you can reach them at fun-and@studio4c.jp
Thanks to Nz17 and Anonymous for the tips!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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