Capcom Confirms Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 (Update for Europe)
So, remember that rumor from a little over a month ago about a Mega Man Legacy Collection 2, by way of being given a rating in Korea? Well, turns out it is 100 percent true. Check it out:
This second Mega Man Legacy Collection contains the remaining numbered titles in the main Classic series: Mega Man 7, Mega Man 8, Mega Man 9, and Mega Man 10. So for those holding out hope for anything else (Mega Man & Bass, Mega Man Soccer, etc.), sorry to disappoint.
On the upside, the press release mentions the take on Fake Man in Mega Man 9 and the three Mega Man Killers in Mega Man 10, as well as play as the full selection of playable characters in each, so it sounds like all the downloadable content from those titles will be included.
What you will be getting with these four titles, however, is the usual assortment of bonuses and features you’ve come to expect from Capcom’s recent retro collections. In addition to a Museum packed with the games’ history and production art (some of which you can see in the gallery above), there is a new Remix Challenge Mode, which promises the ability to “play classic stages like never before” with stage remixes and boss rushes.
Newcomers to the series will also find a helping hand with new “First-timer Friendly” features, such as additional armor and save checkpoints which allow for easy reloads.
Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this new collection is that it is not being developed by Digital Eclipse. Rather, according to Digital Eclipse themselves, it’s being developed in-house by Capcom of Japan.

Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 comes to Xbox One, PlayStation 4, and PC on August 8th, 2017 for a price of $19.99 USD in North America. In the case of the two consoles, there will be physical copies available as well as digital.
For those of you in Europe, you’re getting it on the same day, too, but I can’t find any details at the moment about price or a physical release.
Update: Thanks to the tireless efforts of Vhyper1985, we now know that Mega Man Legacy Collection 2 will be priced in Europe at £11.99/€14.99, and that a physical release “has not been announced” for the region.
If you’re planning to attend the 2017 Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles from June 13th to 15th next week, then as you might have already suspected, you can give the game (and others, such as Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite) a try. Just visit Capcom’s booth #2023 in the South Hall of the L.A. Convention Center, and tell them The Mega Man Network sent you. You won’t get anything for saying that, probably, but the added exposure would be nice.
Finally, thanks to everyone who sent in tips about the trailer!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
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