Ripot’s Round-Up – 5/6/17

It’s that time again! When life, work, and news tips collectively move faster than one writer can manage all by his lonesome, it’s Ripot to the rescue!
Incidentally, I’m getting a little tired of using the same image of Ripot every time I do one of these round-ups, even if they’re a little infrequent, and alternative options are few. To that end, I’m inviting you guys to submit your own fan art of our bot on the beat on the job, finding and gathering Mega Man and Mega Man-esque news far and wide to adorn future editions of this column. Send yours to the.mega.man.network (at) gmail.com and we’ll see how that goes!
Now, on with the stories!
First off, I’m a terrible person. I was supposed to have reviewed ReCore for you guys last year, and I don’t even know what happened (well, I guess there was the new job. Probably didn’t help). To that end, I was waiting until I finished it to watch and post this so I wouldn’t be spoiled, but to heck with it. If you haven’t seen it already, here’s the probably Not Safe For Work, probably spoiler-y Honest Game Trailer for ReCore:
For what it’s worth, I’ve enjoyed what I’ve played of the game, and still plan to do that review… hopefully once I get a breather from the new stuff that’s always coming in.
Thanks to GeminiSparkSP for sending this one in back in September.
Ethan Gach at Kotaku says that Mega Man 4 is the game which changed the series forever, thanks to the Mega Buster. Unfortunately, it seems his opinion of the rest of the game isn’t especially high, but hey, charge shot! Am I right?

Remember the Pixel Pals from Performance Designed Products? They were just being sold at GameStop in the States originally, but now they’re available globally!
For those not familiar with Vinesauce, there is a gent there by the name of Vinny who likes to corrupt games and see what strangeness results. It’s Not Safe For Work, of course, but there are some Mega Man corruptions in here for those who like utter strangeness.
If I’m being honest, though, I think the stuff from The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past is the best, personally.
With thanks to my lovely wife, the biggest Vinny fan in the world, for bringing this to my attention.
By way of our friends at Retroware TV, a fellow named St1ka (I have no idea how you’re even supposed to pronounce that; “Stoneka”? “Stwunka”? “Stika”?) has a review of the PlayStation One Classic (which just so happens to be on sale right now on the PlayStation Store), Mega Man Legends! Just be forewarned about one instance of Not Safe For Work language right at the very end if that’s a problem for you.
If you’re craving a new game with Mega Man Battle Network or Mega Man Star Force-inspired gameplay, then Happygreenfrog may have just what you’re looking for with his upcoming title, “404: Past Not Found.” It’s still in early access, but have a look at this “first glimpse” video:
Take on the role of a robot who has completely forgotten everything about its past, even its name, equipping up to four weapons from four different categories and choosing the ones best suited to the task at hand. Take on the formidable foes as they move around their 3×3 grid while you defend your 1×3 turf. Fortunately, you get one chance per battle to change your loadout, but after that, you’re on your own. There are even three different difficulty settings so you can find the level that’s just right for you.
By going to the “404: Past Not Found” page on Game Jolt, you can learn more about the game through screens, more videos, listening to the soundtrack, or by simply downloading the recently-updated demo and trying it for yourself.
As we speak, there’s a comedic anime running right now called KonoSuba: God’s Blessing on this Wonderful World!, which recently released a DVD set of its second season. Included in this DVD set is a game with a rather familiar style to it:
Thanks to MegaTuga for the tip!
Also from MegaTuga is this neat video from Dan Root which analyzes what appears to be wrong with the Mega Man franchise:
Remember the fan comic we talked about a little while back, “Mega Man Redux”?

If you’re not the type to follow page-by-page, then you might be interested to know that the fourth issue has just wrapped up, and you can find the entire story so far right here.
Next up, the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra presents a suite of Mega Man music:
Ever wonder how Mega Man and X size up in the grand scheme of Japanese robot fiction? If so, then look no further as just about every Japanese robot you can imagine is presented to scale here:
Finally, we’re wrapping this up with an image sent by Santiago Casale, who noticed that this image of Call D, aka Trinity, continues the tradition of having The Great Mega Man Finger Phenomenon:

If I can ever get my hand to do that, I’m just going to start using it to greet other Mega Man fans I come across, like Star Trek‘s Vulcan salute, but in reverse.
And that’s pretty much it for now! I don’t think our system could take much more, anyway.
Just the same, a huge thanks as always to everyone who sent something in. I wish I could give everything its own post in a timely fashion, but sadly, circumstances don’t always work out that way.
Nonetheless, if you’ve got something you’d like to see posted here, drop me a tip either here or by sending an e-mail to the.mega.man.network@gmail.com and I’ll do what I can!

David Oxford, or “LBD ‘Nytetrayn’,” as he is sometimes also known, is a freelance writer of many varied interests who resides in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. If you’re interested in hiring him, please drop him a line at david.oxford (at) nyteworks.net.
For a full list of places to find him online, click here.
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